First Day Back - Alli's P.O.V.

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It was the first day back from summer and everyone was shrieking in the halls when they saw their bffs. Jeez! It's not like they didn't see each other yesterday for the end of summer pool party.  I thought to myself. 

Where is Emma and Lelo? They were supposed to meet me here by the stairs at 7:30. Where are they?  I looked at my watch - 7:45. Ugh! Always late the two of them!  I sat down and started scrolling through tumblr on my phone when it started to ring. It was Lelo. 

"Hello?" "Alli?" "Yah Lelo? What is it? Where are you?"  "Um, sorry but I can't make it to the meeting spot." "What do you mean you can't make it?" "Um, Well, I have other, stuff, yah." "Lelo this is where we always meet every morning." "What about Emma? Isn't she with you?" "No! Just - what other stuff do you have going on?" ".........." "Lelo!" "..... *faint whispers and giggling* ...." "Lelo you know I can hear you? Why are you not coming?" "I have buisness.... BYE!" 

GREAT! First day back to highschool. First day as a softmore. First day I might actually want to kill someone at school.  I decided to try and call Emma and see if she responded. I mean she is on her phone ALL the time. 

1 ring      2  ring        3 ring    No pick-up.  I tried again.   1 ring          2 ring         3 ring       No pick-up.  I called 3 more times and then I decided to text her. When she didn't respind I tumblr messaged her. Why isn't she picking up? Do my friends hate me or something?   I went somewhere I had better service in case that was the problem.  It made sense that you don't get any service underneath the stairs. I called Emma 2 more times before I reluctantly gave up and went back to our meet up place. 

Our meet up place was where we met before and after school. We also eat lunch there. And if anyone has a problem we just text S.O.S and we all meet there. Its a little space under the stairs that has a secret spot. When you go behind and under the stairs their is a small area inside the stairs that was never covered up when the construction workers built it and its about the size of a large bedroom since it is the main stairwell. We always meet there no matter what so I have no idea why my friends were not there. Like what could have happened? 

Then I thought about it. Lelo and Emma only just started hanging out more often last year. Yeah we have a group chat and we meet together and tell each other everything but maybe they are mad at each other? I mean they aren't that close. I know everything about them but they don't know everything about each other. And sometimes their ideas clash against each other. I hope that's not why. Ugh I hate when friends fight and one friend is inconvenienced because of it. 

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