Chapter 1

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"Morgan wait up" I hear a familiar voice call out for me, I slowly turn on my heels to see Lara running to catch me up, gradually turning more and more red as she approaches me.
"Hey, how are ya'?" I ask her whilst she catches her breath.
"Yeah I'm good" she says inbetween breaths.
We walk towards the cafeteria together in silence until Laras breathing is finally normal again and she pipes up
"I told Heidi and the boys we'd meet them for lunch, is that cool?" She asks
"Yea-" I begin to say, "wait- what boys?"
"Don't worry, Cameron won't be there I already checked, he's at practice" she replies
"Okay good, after what happened I can't face him yet"
We get to the cafeteria, queue up, get our food and search for our friends table. Looking around the room you can tell this is a sport & arts uni, tables full of talented students with their instruments or their drawing pads or their sport jerseys. I'm a dancer myself so I don't really have a particular thing to stand out, I just usually wear legging and a top, Lara, one of my best friends, is a actress, and you can tell, she is mega dramatic and loves all the attention she can get. Heidi, another one of my best friends, on the other hand is a singer, and not a very confident one. She's kind of quiet, when she's not with me and Lara any ways.
"Over here" we see Jacob jump up and shout. Jacob is my boyfriend, my wonderful, beautiful, talented boyfriend. He's a singer/songwriter, he has such a peaceful and heartwarming voice that makes you miss it the instant it stops. And his words, he doesn't think he's good with words, but his words are so beautifully written in song form, they could easily make your heart melt immediately.
We pace over to the table where we find Heidi, Jacob, Nash and Matthew. I don't mean to sound popular but these are only a few of our friends, but the ones we hang with the most, mainly because of mine as Cameron's history and the fact that everyone else out of our friendship group are single but us. Heidi and Nash are a couple and so are Lara and Matt. Me and Heidi have been best friends since we were at least 6, she moved in to the house next door to me and we didn't like each other at first, but once we found out our birthday's are a day apart, for some strange reason became bestfriends. We met Lara and became best friends with her too when we started university 2 years ago, we had our trial day together and she was alone so we kindly took her in. We all share a flat because halls are way too expensive to live in compared to a flat if we all pay rent. We also had a guy roommate because we struggled slightly with the rent at first, his name was Justin, him and Lara had a thing the first year but when that ended, he stopped coming home and ended up moving out. But it's fine, we all have little jobs now and moved into a 3 bed instead of 4 so we can afford it.

After lunch me and Jacob decide to go on a walk before heading back to class, there's a big field opposite campus that has a huge pond and trees for shade where we always go, it's so beautiful there, the sun is always shining on it, even on rainy days, and there's always a slight breeze, so it's hot but, not too hot. Just right. Just perfect.
Mine and Jacobs relation ship is quite recent, we've been together about 2 months now, I still get butterflies when he slides his fingers into my hands or when he hugs me close and rests his chin on my head cause he's so much taller than me.
"Morgs, are you okay?" Jacobs soft but raspy voice says as he breaks me out of my daydream
"Oh- er- yeah I'm fine" I stutter, why do I suddenly feel nervous?
"Aw look who it is" Cameron's says standing right infront of mine and Jacobs path way.
"Not now Cameron-" I got cut off
"If it isn't my wonderful darling ex and Mr Loverboy Whitesides" Cameron grins
"Cameron come on, she's moved on so should you" I hear Jacob say with slight fear in his voice. Don't get me wrong, Cameron isn't viscous, he couldn't hurt a fly, but recently he's been really bitter, our relationship didn't really end on good terms and he's a very jealous and possessive boyfriend. Or ex-boyfriend should I say.

Hey guys, this chapter was very slow and boring I'm sorry, the story will get better and pick up. I hope ahah 😅 sorry!

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