Caught Red Handed

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Sebastian's POV:
I looked in shock as I saw Finny dying, chained to a tree, his intestines slowly bulging out of him while a scissors kept stabbing him. I looked to my right, and wasn't surprised to see who it was.
"So, it was you...

Shinozaki Sachiko "

Sachiko glanced up at me, blood all over her face, her giant blood covered scissors grasped in her hand, which had bits of intestine on it (Sorry for the gore llamas). She turned around, with a crying face and said, "Mr. Butler! I-I didn't do this! I swear! I was taking a short stroll around the woods until I saw him tied to a tree! I saw a pair of scissors in his stomach so I pulled it out and all his blood splurged on me! This isn't my doing! Please understand!!", she fake sobbed. I just narrowed my eyes even more and said, "I see you're very good at acting, but you cannot fool me, I know what you've been doing all along, I sensed it. You're a ghost, a murderer, killing anyone you see, you are not alive at all. Shinozaki Sachiko!" I shouted. She grinned deeply and said, "So you've found out butler.... How foolish of you to sneak into my space, while I was doing some business that no one should encounter. Seems like someone's been being a rather naughty butler, wouldn't you say? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA", She cackled. I still kept the frown on my face for what she had done to Finny. "Maybe I should say the same to you, Sachiko.", I growled. Her grin then turned to a scowl. "WHATEVER YOU DAMN BUTLER! YOU AND YOUR DAMN KID SNOOPING INTO OUR PERSONAL BUSINESS, THAT ISN'T SOMETHING  A NOBLE BUTLER SHOULD DO! I MANAGED TO STAY NORMAL AS MUCH AS I COULD, BUT SINCE ALL OF YOU AND THAT LITTLE BRAT OVER THERE PISS ME OFF THE CHART, I DECIDED TO MURDER ONE OF YOUR PRECIOUS LIVES! HAHAHAHA! I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU HAVE CARED FOR THIS TWIG, ALL I CARE ABOUT.... Then she started to change. IS TO KILL...... The way she looked was exactly identical to the reflection in her scissors from earlier. YOU ALL!!!!!!" She fully changed to her true form. My eyes turned a bright lustrous pink. She just grinned at me, non shock. "I see that you are a demon hm? Well, how amusing....", she says before flying over to me in horrific speed and jabbed her scissors into my shoulder. I couldn't dodge because I then saw two other ghosts behind me, one grasping my arms, and the other, my legs. So I winced in the sharp pain from the scissors. How are they this strong? Then I looked at them closely. 'Haley and Holly' I saw that they weren't in their normal attire anymore. They turned to their ghost form, which made me think about the newspaper I read with the Young Master. I gasped in shock as the two looked exactly like the ones in the pictures. Before I could take a second thought, I felt my stomach get immensely kicked by Sachiko, then followed by a stab of scissors. I struggled out of the two ghosts hold, and tried making an attack. These are ghosts, and they're pretty fast and swift. Another thing about them is that they don't have a physical human body, so they can't take physical attacks, since they're just a piece of gas. They can even have the strength to severely wound a demon.... Sometimes, even kill them... I need to be careful... I lunged at Sachiko with my many knives, causing her to teleport to my side, knocking my head forward, and almost lunge at my heart with the scissors when I quickly dodge them. Then it was the other ghosts turn. The two twins flew swiftly to me and tried to drag my body on the ground, but it was no use for them so I attacked with my knives. Sachiko then darted at me, then rose up high aiming the scissors to my eye, and chucked down fast toward me. Blood splattered on my face but it wasn't mine. Instead, a girl with with a blue shortskirt with watery hair blocked the hit while in front of me, and fell down to her knees. "MISS MAKOTO!!" I shout. I watched as she grunted in pain, holding her eye to stop the blood from pouring out of her. She glanced up at me, coughing up blood and said, "M-Mr. S-Seb-bastian....", she shuddered, trying to breath. I looked down at her in horror. "D-Don't....t-tell Ed-den y-y-yet.......", she coughed up blood again. "I-itssss.......h-hh-her b-b-birrth-th-d-day.......", then she passed out. My blood boiled in my body as I looked down at the cold girl. I managed to calm myself down and growled, "Miss Makoto is right, Miss Sachiko, it is..." I looked at my pocketwatch. "1:53 p.m. We should get back before anyone gets suspicious." I then gave her a deadly glare, as to say, don't screw up in there, just forget this all little brat. She looked at me coldly, ok, but I can't keep a promise you bitch of a butler. After a moment, we walked away from the woods, after I hid Finny's corpse in a bush and picked up Makoto, who healed herself a moment ago, but still passed out. Sachiko cleaned herself and turned back into her human disguise, as for the twins. Meirin helped them into their ball attire, and I just cleaned up and changed to prevent anyone sensing blood. Especially Claude, who I think already had sensed it, but surprisingly, didn't bother appear or talk a word about it. After getting cleaned up, Meirin and I escorted the girls down to the Young Master's study. When we got there, Young Master, Lady Elizabeth, Paula, Claude, Makoto, Prince Soma and Agni, Lau, Ran Mao, Lady Elizabeths parents, Madam Red, Grell (butler mode) ,Undertaker, William, Cheif Randall, Meirin, Edward and his little brother Richard, of course the Viscount Druitt, and Bard were all in there. It was indeed a bit crowded. I parted away the crowd so I could find the young master. Once he saw me he excused himself to talk to me privately. "Whats going on Sebastian? Is it about Sachiko?" He said. I nodded. "Indeed young master, it seems that we're going to be facing a very difficult human....or rather, a ghost......" My voice trailed off, my eyes rolling straight to Sachiko. Master glanced at her too. "What happened? And where is Finny?" He asks. I flinched. I tried to hold in my anger, but I simply just kept my mouth shut. "Sebastian, this is an order! What happened and WHERE.IS.FINNY?!" He ordered coldly. I couldn't disobey an order from the master. I didn't want to tell him about Finny's murder. Especially here so I led him to his room, where it was quiet and private enough to to talk about the situation. "Well, Sebastian?!" He snarled. "Young Master, I'm afraid to say this but,.....Finny is......dead...", I hesitated on the last word. The Young Master's eyes shot up big and cold, his mouth wide open as to say, 'WHAT THE HELL?!!' He looked at me in the most shocking face he'd make. "F-F-Finny's....d-dead...?!", he stammered. Even I was amused by this, but I didn't show it, so I hung my head down. "AND YOU LET HIM DIE SEBASTIAN?!!" He shouted. "No, master, I was searching for him in the garden, when I saw the scent of blood. I walked over to where the blood was slowly getting stronger, and I saw Finny, being stabbed to death by..." My voice trailed off. "BY?!", the Young Master said in a icy tone. "Shinozaki Sachiko, my Lord." Then that's where the Young Master calmed down. I've never seen him have such a bad temper like this before, thank goodness it's over. Then a moment of silence. After that the young master said, "Ok, let's put this aside, people are probably waiting for us. They may have started without us.", he said, calmly. But in the inside, I sense he's boiling with rage. We walked out of the room and back to his study where everyone was waiting. "OH MASTER PHANTOMHIVE!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MY LITTLE ROBIN?! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOUR PRESENCE! OH GOD! MY LITTLE ROBIN ANGEL HAS BEEN LOST I SHALLN'T FORGIVE THEE!!! OH!!! But.....however, I WILL!" Viscount Drunk shouted, loud enough to get people's attention (that's the sign of how much I hate this psycho! No spell errors! I meant to put that!!!) Madam Red came in the way, shoving Druitt away from him and said, "Oh my Little Ciel! Where've you been?! We've been waiting for a measly 10 minutes. It's already past 2:00! Are you alright?!" She exclaimed. Then the Young Master said, "I'm fine Madam Red, I'm fine!, I just had a little talk with Sebastian that's all", he said, annoyed. "A little talk? Not for 10 to 15 minutes! That was more than a little talk", she said. "And by the way, wheres our birthday girl? She's been gone for quite a while. Do you know where she is Ciel?" She asked. Then I put my attention to Eden instead of Finny. She's right, where is Eden? Then Lizzy asked the same thing, "Yes, where is Eden today? It's past 2, and the party's already starting! And I got her the cutest clothes EVER!", she squealed. The Claude said, after what seemed like forever, "Perhaps she's in the bathroom, or maybe taking a nap or something", he said, adjusting his glasses. The William said, which made me shocked, "Or perhaps she's been kidnapped by somebody....maybe even an angel hunter", he said, also adjusting his glasses with his so called death scythe. Everyone gasped. What of Eden has gotten kidnapped or WORSE?! Everyone started to murmur about the case, and then decided to start a search party, even if it's her birthday. Good. That'll give me enough time to search for her too. Maybe, just maybe... Sachiko's gotten her in her grubby bloody hands of hers. I walked out of the empty room, seeing the young master in the hall in surprise. "Why did everyone leave?" He asked, bored, but a disappointed. "Young Master, it seems they have set up a search party for Eden's disappearance. He gasped in shock. "What?!" He exclaimed angrily. I nodded. "I just hope she's not gone for long, because some uninvited guests are on the loose." He said looking away. I smirked. "Indeed", I said.


"Clatter! Clatter! Clatter!"
"A-a-ahhh!! A-ack! Gasp! Pant! A-hh!
.....Drip, drip, drip......
"H-h-hel-lp......m-m-mmmme-eeee choke* Gasp*
C-ca-ca-nt b-breaaathe..... H-he-help m-m-me..........p-pl-pleeeeaase....!" gasp*"
...Drip, drip.......splatter, plop! Crik!
Me: uhhhhh... What the hell just happened?!
Sebastian: Who knows?
Me: Sachiko, what'd I tell you about not to run around with freakin scissors?!!
Sachiko: pouts*
Me: cries of adorableness*
Sebastian: (・_・;)
Ciel chan: Sigh, how long are you gonna sit like that idiot?
Me: I like it down here!
Ciel chan: get up!
Me: NO! It's comfy and I lik-- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ciel chan and Sebastian: (ーー;)

(ーー;) Bye llamas!!!

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