Chapter Nineteen- Time to go

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Heyooo. How are you all? I've noticed lately I haven't been updating my other books as much as this one, I should probably fix that so I'm sorry to those of you who read my other books. Also, I'm sure you guys are tired of hearing about this, but I'm going to give a brief explanation of the first book to this one because there are a lot of key points and similarities. In the beginning, Lucy runs into Natsu who she hasn't talked to in a while because of her parents dying in the fire. Through the story, he ends up living with her, and she even begins talking to all their other friends. Lucy and Natsu get together, and are happy until someone starts targeting Lucy. Lucy tries to stay away from Natsu, but in the end she goes back to him, and they find out who was targeting her. It was Lisanna ( I am totally against bashing Lisanna just for Nalu, I promise. She's a sweet character.), but Lucy and her make up, and get along fine afterwards. They end up having Nashi and Lucas, and the story ends on a happy note. Even if you dont support Nalu, I highly recommend you read it. Okay this is turning into a really long A/N so I'm just gonna start the story.


They wouldn't stop. I was being used as a toy, and they didn't even care. But hey, how could I get upset? You'd think I'd be used to being used by now. As I stared up at the ceiling, all I could think about was what might be running through their heads. It seemed like forever, but they finally got off the bed, and looked down at me.

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