Chapter 2

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Ellie woke up to the sun spilling across her bedspread and a curious gray squirrel peeking at her through her window. She smiled and rolled out of bed. She walked casually to her closet and pulled on a yellow sundress. She ran a comb through her tangled mass of orange hair and flounced down the stairs were her mom greeted her with carrot muffins and scrambled eggs. She sat and ate. Then Ellie spoke to her mom, who was busying herself with the cleaning of the kitchen counter.
"Were is dad?" She asked, gulping down a hot egg and sipping at her iced tea.
"At work early. His boss called him in because their was.....a rodent problem apparently only he could fix" Mom snickered, continuing her cleaning.
Ellie nodded and polished off her breakfast. She put it in the sink and ran up to her room to call Maize. They made plans and Ellie walked downstairs and put on her blue leather sandals.
"We're are you going?" Her mom asked, a spray bottle and a rag in her hands.
"To Maizes, if that's ok with you," Ellie stared at her mom hopefully.
"Ok, you can go...just come back before five. Love you!" Her mom cried out as Ellie bounded out the screen door to walk the two blocks to Maizes house. She smiled widely at the wind blown trees and the chirping birds. Her feet picked up pace and she began to skip. Soon she was at a small maroon house, shaded by fault of a large willow tree. A wooden swing hung to its branch.
    She knocked and waited patiently. Maize answered and they hugged. Maize had long caramel colored hair in a bun and a jean jumper on. She smiled and they walked up to her room. When they were comfortably settled in her room, she spoke.
   "Ok, I need to show you something! It's so creepy!" Maize stopped when she saw the contorted look on Ellie's face,"Don't worry. It's a really short video."
   Maize pulled her laptop out and put it in front of them. She clicked on a YouTube video titled...the scared kid. Ellie gasped and hugged Maize as it began to play.
   It went like this......first the screen was black. Then it showed you a dark bedroom and a little girl huddled on her bed crying, her tangled brown locks spread around her. Her back heaved. Creepy whispers commenced and the goodly shuddered. She stood up and walked to the camera. She faced us. Her eyes were black pits. It went black.
   Ellie gaped at the screen and her spine froze in terror,"Who posted that?" She stuttered.
   "I don't says unknown under it" she shrugged and they walked downstairs and grabbed an apple. They walked to her back yard were their was a koi pond and ate by the glistening warmth of the scaly orange fish skimming the surface of the cool pond. Lily pads and weeds drifted on the surface and were pulled under softly by the curious fish. Ellie watched a large wight and orange speckled fish open its circular mouth and then dive back under the water when Maize flicked a piece of dead grass onto the surface, causing the still water to ripple and scare the koi away.
    After hours of eating endless supplies of fruit and taking long, hot strolls...Ellie walked home in the darkness of the evening sunset. She crawled into bed later that night and turned off her glowing lamp.
   She woke up a couple hours later to the sound of whispering. She tossed and turned and turned her finger around in her ear hopefully. It was the sound from the video. She bit back the urge to wrench her eyes open. Maybe she was to paranoid about the video and needed to think of something else...koi! She thought of the joyful fish but the memory was soon blocked out by the eerie whispers...getting closer.

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