Born Blind

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   So I was born an average child but not really normal. I  can't really remember much from when I was younger. The most I can remember is from probably when I was five years of age. But yeah know, it doesn't really bother me. So I just live with it. My eyes can't see but I can't see. I didn't know how much of a messed up world this place. But enough ranting about me I already sound like a selfish douche bag.  So I went to an average elementary school but lets skip forward to 6th grade. So it was the first day of middle school, I'm stuck in a advanced math class I don't know how I managed to get in, but yeah know I'm not gonna question my gift. So a few weeks when by and I'm sitting on the benches drawing some and I see these three kids. Two of them didn't look like they could do that much, but Michael the tallest out of the two look at me.

    I didn't know what he wanted but to be honest I really didn't care either way but I wanted to be nice. So I said 'whats up?' And he Told me he needed someone else to play the two on two basketball so It was Michael and Alex and me and this Dude name Tyson who i didn't know at the moment would be my best friend/rival and later on my enemy. So i get up to play basketball with them but since I turned out to be the best player on the team so I basically carried Tyson in the game. About two months when by and I did become great friends with Michael and Alex. But I did tun into Tyson and tried to say 'hey'  however he just denied the fact that he knew me. To be honest I kind of Just went with it. He did look rather annoying. 

One Day at the end of sitting on the bench drawing some art I didn't get to finish. So as I finished up, I see a shadow appear like any other person I look to see who it was. It was Tyson he didn't have a single look of resentment on his face but he did look at me to say this " Is that Goku from Dragon Ball Z?" I didn't want to sound like a jerk or anything so I said "no,I like to make my own characters based on the show." He replied "cool, i draw some DBZ art on my own," as he reaches for his yellow folder. I'll admit they were pretty good. So we started hanging out more and more. We happened to also bond over our common interest in"Naruto". So a few Weeks past and I'm in my science class. I'm sitting in a table with Peter, Jonathan and this girl Khemyatte. The Teacher was a douche that the students weren't fond of. But I just kept my mouth shut and did what I needed to pass the dumb class. 

I feel like we kinda got all caught up to speed on my 6th grade year So I think we can kick up to my 7th grade year. So In my 7th grade year is when i started to see the world for what it was a cold, dark place. This Girl I'm pretty sure she'll kill me for mentioning her in this book but f*** it,right? Zanaya the girl was mad at me over the summer and we didn't speak, she said it was because I stole her best friend but I didn't know I stole him from her. I didn't know anything I did. But she started talking to me again but she told me she was dating my best friend Tyson. I don't know why but when I found out everything started hurting it felt like my heart was fading away slowly but I had to be happy for him he was like my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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