Ch 4

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The next day I woke up around 11am because even though I headed to my room before 9:30 last night it didn't mean I went straight to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Melanie. So I ended up looking at the pictures from the party again just to see if by any chance she came out in any other pictures. I found like maybe two more pictures not as good as the 1st one but pictures non the less. On one she had her back to the camera, the other one was from the side of her drinking out of a red cup, typical party picture. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with her. I feel like a creepy stocker granted I'm not fallowing her home and staring at her from my car, but I still feel like a creep. Here I'm at home going to sleep at 3am just to look for pictures of her, I need something to clear my head.

Today is a good day for me to go ahead and do just that I only have one free lance job planed today that I don't have to be there until 4pm, I'm supposed to take a family portrait. This whole week I'm just doing my free lance jobs because its the All Star week so no baseball games. After the All Star week the Giants are going to be in San Diego so my weekend is also clear. I decided to start clearing my head by going out and take random pictures of the city until its 3:20pm then go do my free lance job at 4pm and from there head to the gym.

I was glad that I didn't take long with the whole family portrait since I didn't have to wait for them because it was at their house. By the time I got to the gym it was 4:45pm and I only spent an hour there just doing weight lifting. I don't like running on the treadmill so I decided to go to the Golden Gate Park and do my running there. I don't like running in place so I always run in parks or through the city. You can't have an awesome view in the gym just running in place. I didn't even bother to see how much miles I ran. I just decided to run for an hour. After that I felt relaxed and my head was clear of everything.

When I got home I went to the kitchen and to get a water bottle. Today I noticed that all three girls were in there either cooking or leaning on the island talking. "Hello my lovelies, what are you guys cooking." Alex and Maddie looked at each other then Maddie turned to me "Well Alex and I are enjoying a glass of wine while Emma is cooking and she is making lasagna." I arch my brow at them "And neither of you decided to help her cook or anything?" Alex cleared her coughed "Umm do you think the table set itself?" I gave her a smile "No I guess it didn't".

I walked to the sink and washed my hands "Em do you need help with anything?" she looked up to me "Sure you could help me chop and wash the lettuce for the garden salad while I finish making the garlic bread". With that I took out the cutting board got a knife and started chopping the lettuce. Alex and Maddie where talking about god knows what I kinda zoned them out and concentrated on chopping the lettuce. Then out of nowhere I felt a kiss on my cheek, I turned to see who kissed me and I noticed that it was Emma and she had a scrunched up face. "Dude you smell like sweat". I arched my brow at her "What was the kiss for? And I smell like sweat because I just got back from working out".

I looked to Alex and Maddie and they also had a brow raised probably wondering why gave me a kiss. "Well I gave you a kiss as a thank you for helping me make dinner even if it is just to chop the lettuce no other reason. Now go upstairs take a quick shower and by the time that you come back down dinner should be ready". I smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and and went upstairs to shower before either of them of them ask me why I gave Emma a kiss. In all honesty I gave her a kiss just for her being thoughtful.

15 min later I went down stairs and the girls were already at the table waiting for me. "I'm sorry did I keep you guys waiting for long". As I said that I sat down next to Emma. Maddie looked to me "No we literally sat down a minute before you came down." When she said that I let out a sigh of relief "Good I thought that I kept you guys waiting longer." We each started serving ourselves. While the three of them were drinking wine I had my can of Coke. I started eating my salad when Alex spoke "I was wondering just out of curiosity is something going on between you two."

I literally started choking on my salad while Emma almost spit out her wine. Emma and I looked at each other with wide eyes before Emma turned to Alex. "Dude No! What would make you ask that. I don't know if you forgot but I'm into guys not girls." she looks to me "No Offense but I don't see Jackie like that and I don't think I ever will". I look to Emma "No offense taken but I look at Emma as a friend almost a sister there is no way in hell I look at her other than that". Emma and I just look at Alex waiting for her to explain why she would think that.

"I'm sorry for even asking. You guys have always been touchy with each other. It's just that since yesterday you guys gave each other kisses and then during the movie you guys were cuddling, then today another kiss its just this is the most I have seen on back to back days." Emma and I start laughing then Maddie and Alex join. Maddie stops laughing "Just to point out Alex wasn't the only one to think their was something between you two." With that we started laughing a little bit harder.

I had to stop laughing to catch my breath. I look to Alex "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about last night?"
Alex shook her head yes "That is part of what I wanted to talk to you about. The other thing was to ask you if you were crushing on Melanie." Emma and Maddie started to giggle because they knew I was they even pointed out that I was being obvious and they were there when I practically drooled over her when I first saw her at the party.

"Well I don't see the point in denying it seeing as how you won't believe me because of these two giggling like school girls." Alex gave me a sad smile "Well I hate to be the one that tells you Jackie but Melanie is straight and her and her boyfriend broke up like 2 weeks ago so I doubt she's looking for a relationship." I don't know why but when Alex said that I felt like my heart broke but I showed no emotion my face. Then gave a weak chuckle "Alex just because I have a little crush on Melanie didn't mean that I was going to try and pursue it. I don't know if you remember but I'm staying single for a good while." she giggled "I didn't forget its just. If I'm being completely honest I don't think you will last being single for 2 years, maybe 3 months tops but not 2 years. And I also didn't want you to pursue Melanie just to get shot down."

To say I was shocked at what Alex said is an understatement I was hurt and angry. She doesn't have faith in me to stay single for more than 3 months let alone 2 years. "Do you honestly think that I can't stay single for more than 3 months let alone 2 years? Thanks Alex for having so little faith in me. Your my sister I expect you to have more faith in me." Emma and Maddie had wide eyes just looking between Alex and I. Out of all the years we have been friends they have never seen me look at Alex with hate. When Alex and I fight or argue about something serious not something silly, we normally do it in private not in front of them.

"Jackie it's not that I don't have faith in you it's just that your a girl that is so used to be in a relationship you don't know how to be alone. Take yesterday for example you couldn't sit through a movie without cuddling with Emma. You are really pretty and you have both guys and girls after you.By this time you are already in a new relationship." I didn't realize that tears where running down my face until Emma was wiping them off for me. Alex got up came and gave me a hug and held me tight "I'm sorry if I sounded like a bitch but I was just being honest with you." I hugged Alex back with as much force "It's ok your were just being honest and you are right I don't know how to be single but that's why I have you guys to help and guide me."

What started as a hug between Alex and I turned into a bear hug between the four of us. As we all broke the hug and everyone went to their seats, Emma grabbed my hand. "Jackie if you need somebody to cuddle with or you just feel like holding somebody's hand then I'm here for you, you don't need to be in a relationship to have that." I couldn't help but pull her hand to bring her into a hug and kissed her on the cheek "Thank you Emma I really appreciate that." When we pulled apart she winked at me "Anything for my favorite girl." We laughed at what Emma just said. Maddie gave me a smile "Same here if you need me. Except that you would need to cuddle into me seeing as how I'm not a skinny bitch like you three and I can't cuddle into you." again we busted out laughing at what was said.

This is why I love my best friends the could always make me laugh and happy when I feel crappy. I felt like changing the topic off me that I looked at Emma "Em the lasagne is delicious." She giggled "Well I hope it came out good I used your recipe. I even made the sauce from scratch like you do." I sounded so cocky "Well no shit that's why it taste so good you used my recipe." Emma chuckled and raised a brow at me "Dam Jackie cocky much?" I smiled at her "Well if speaking the truth is being cocky then yes." I laughed "I'm just messing with you."

The dinner conversation moved on to talking about work. Emma was telling us about how she landed a new client for the advertising company she works for. Maddie didn't say much about work just that editing is all the same. I told them I was just doing some free lance work. Alex was telling us how the client loved the design that her and Melanie worked on. Just the mention of Melanie made me smile. We all cleaned the kitchen and after that we all went to the living room and talked about random stuff. From what movies are out we want to see, to what celebrities we would sleep with. Then around 10pm everybody went to their rooms. That night I didn't look at the pictures of Melanie, but I did go to sleep thinking of her.

The rest of the week went by fast. Every night I went to sleep thinking of Melanie. Today it's Friday and tonight we are going clubbing. On Wednesday Melanie told Alex that she was not going to be able to join us tonight. I'm not going to lie when Alex told us she wasn't going I had mixed emotions on one side I was happy because I wasn't going to act like a dumb ass i front of her, but then I was sad that I wasn't going see her and get a chance to know her.

It was 7:30 and the girls where staring to get ready because we were heading to the club around 10pm. I was planing to get ready around 8:30 because I don't take as long as them to get ready also I wasn't trying to impress anybody. Apparently when we go to clubs Alex's room always ends up being the headquarters were everyone gets ready. I was lying on Alex's bed watching them running around getting ready when I hear Alex's ringtone Demons by Imagine Dragons went off. Alex asked me to answer her phone because it was on her night stand and I was closer. I rolled over on my stomach got her phone and without even bothering to see who was calling I answered.


"Hello may I please speak to Alex"

"Umm sure may I ask who is calling?"

"Yeah I'm sorry I should have said who I was before asking to speak to Alex. It's Melanie.

A smile crept on my face I was speaking to Melanie. The girl I can't stop thinking about. Dam her voice sounds so sexy on the phone.

"Oh hey Melanie it's Jackie hold on a sec let me take Alex the phone."

With that I got off the bed and walked to were Alex was sitting at in front of her vanity. Before she asked who was it I mouthed it was Melanie. I handed her the phone and stood there trying to listen to their conversation.

"Hello" I saw Alex nodding her head as Melanie spoke.

"Sure the offer still stands we are currently getting ready." again Alex just listened.

"You still have time we are going to head out around 10pm." I hate that I can't hear what Melanie is saying.

"How about you come over and then we could all head over together. Jackie is the designated driver like that you drink. Besides it doesn't make sense to take two cars." Alex smiled into the phone and waited for Melanie to stop talking before answering.

"Alright Melanie I will see you here at 9:30 bye."

Wait what did I hear right Melanie is going to come with us. She is going to be here in 2hrs. Before I could confirm my thoughts Maddie asked Alex.

"What did Melanie call you for?" Alex turned to Maddie.

"She wanted to know if the offer still stood about her going to the club, so I told her it was so she is going to be here at 9:30 so we could leave together."

Maddie looked like a little kid getting ice cream for dessert. She was literally bouncing in her seat and clapping her hands.

"Awesome I like her I think she would make a good edition to the group."

With that said Emma jumped in. "I completely agree with Maddie she would be a good addition to our group she seems cool and lay back." Alex looked up to me "Are you fine with her coming along?" I looked at her "Yeah why wouldn't I, maybe with her there you guys wouldn't try to peer pressure me to drink." Alex arched a brow at me "I'm asking because you said you had a crush on her."

I let out a chuckle and gave her a reassuring smile "Alex I'm fine with her going now if you will excuse me I have to go get ready." with that I walked out and went to my room. Shit now I have to make sure that I put effort into looking good.


The next chapeter I'm thinking of making it in Melanies point of view. I also uploaded the video of Imagine Dragons- Deamons which is Alex's ringtone. Give me feed back tell me what you guys think so far of the story.

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