Ch. 5

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"As you all know, forth, fifth, sixth an seventh years generally attend the Yule Ball. However, due to dire circumstances, it will not be taking place this year. I apologize for the inconvenience."

Groans sounded throughout the Great Hall, although I doubted that there was anyone who didn't realize what the 'dire circumstances' were. McGonagall had, in a very straight forward fashion, informed all of the Hogwarts students of what had happened and sent letters to everyone's parents. The Great Hall was only half as full then, as concerned parents withdrew their children from the school.

Yes, dire circumstances indeed. On one side of me, James sat, looking hollow and empty. I'd informed him of what McGonagall thought had been done with Ellina, and he'd been very distraught, worry clear on his face. On my other side, Albus sat, looking stiff and uncomfortable, his fingers drumming slowly on the tabletop. Across the table, Hugo Weasley whispered frantically in Lily Potter's ear, and Rose Weasley sat looking miserable, her eyes downcast.

"You alright?" I whispered to James, leaning a bit closer, noting his woodsy scent.

James nodded slowly, his gaze distant and sad. "Yeah, I'm fine, Natalie. Go fret over someone else, Mum."

I rolled my eyes at his weak attempt at humour, reaching around to hug him very gently. "I'm not you mother, James; you already have a perfectly good one. I'm just concerned. You've been very distracted recently, and even though I'm sad Ellina isn't here as well, you have to stay focused and be brave in these dark times."

James sighed, leaning onto his elbows and narrowly missing putting his elbow in a tub of golden butter. "I know. I'm sorry, Nat. It's just, with that and the fact I said I loved Aerona..." He shuddered a bit, eyes flashing.

"You weren't in your right mind then, James. Love potions are powerful, especially made by someone skillful." I reassured him absently, nearly stabbing Albus with my fork as I piled mashed potatoes onto my plate. "Besides, it was damn funny sometimes, how you wanted to give her a pair of socks."

"How can you find this humorous?" James scowled, shaking his head. "You don't know how it felt. I felt like I was in love with her, like I would do anything for her. I felt oddly controlled, though, like a puppet on strings."

"Sorry, James." I sighed, shaking my head. "I was being insensitive. It's just...I think Ellina would have made light of this situation, you know? I feel sort of empty right now..."

"Natalie, can you pass me the butter?" Rose requested politely from across the table, loading her plate with food.

"Sure." I handed her the butter, forcing a smile. "How are you doing, Rose?"

Rose shrugged, spreading butter over a piece of white bread. "Good as I can be in these times, I reckon. Better than some people, so I suppose I should probably be grateful."

I nodded in agreement, distractedly taking a bite of corn. "I agree. I mean, I'm just glad I didn't get sent home. Mum and Dad probably aren't even worried."

The thing about my parents was this: they despised the fact that I was a Gryffindor. They were both pure-blooded Slytherin's, hot-headed and arrogant. The came from a long family line of Slytherin's as well, and when my mother had birthed me, they'd expected me to be great, to be cold and vain as they were. But the problem was, I wasn't. From the time I was born, I showed a more gentle, brave nature, but my parents still hoped.

And then I turned eleven. I was so excited to get to Hogwarts, to be a Slytherin, when I met Emory. My view on Slytherin's changes immediately, and I chose to sit with the nice Gryffindor's called Ellina, Albus and James. Then, when I was sorted into Gryffindor, I felt incredibly happy and immediately wrote home, informing them of my fortune. They were furious, and sent me a Howler.

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