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Jayme^ ( but with longer hair, and blue eyes)



"So are you going to tell me why you've been acting so strange lately?"

I should've left her at home.

"..I'm just a little stressed about graduating," I sighed.

Technically it was true, I had already missed 10 days this semester and was borderline failing English,

I picked up a cute tennis skirt, never had one before but I must say they're cute,

"Mhmmm..." She didn't sound convinced,

"I don't like when you lie to me Sienna," She crossed her arms.

The look on her face told me she was going to give me hell until I told her the truth.

"...I'll tell you everything, just not right now." I said quietly.

Four days have gone by and I'm starting to think maybe I was just blowing the whole situation out of proportion, nothing has happened to me or Jayme,

She nodded content with my answer, "As soon as we get home.." she raised a brow,

Even though I still had a bad feeling in my stomach, I was trying to stop over analyzing,

"Fine." I gave in and she did a little victory dance knocking over a pile of clothes in the process,


She awkwardly picked up the clothes while customers and employees watched her and began whispering.

"Ok, I don't know about you but I'm starving, let's get outta here and get some panda."

That sounded good right about now, all I had today was a protein shake,

"Ok, I'll meet you in line I just want to pay for this first," I said picking up another skirt in a different color,

Fifty dollars? That's about thirty dollars too much,

Putting it back I decided to just get my first choice,

"Hurry up you know how long that line gets," She said before leaving the store,

I nodded and got in line behind two girls who looked to be my age,

As I waited I looked around the store curiously,

There was a guy in the corner, looking through some band tees,

His hair was pulled into a small bun and he had a nice amount of facial hair,

Attractive was an understatement, I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of him,

His fucking lips were perf-

"Ma'am," a voice said making me turn around,


That's when I noticed that the girls in front of me were gone and I was next in line,

Way to look like a creep Sienna

"I'm so sorry," I apologized to the middle aged women as she scanned the clothes,

She chuckled and looked over, I followed her eyes and noticed that the guy was now staring at me,

She chuckled and looked over, I followed her eyes and noticed that the guy was now staring at me,

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