Chapter 1

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AN: I wrote this when I was like 12. I know there are spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, probably plot holes, and things that might make the world confusing. I know that I was not the best writer when I wrote this. I'm honestly very surprised that people are reading this still. I apologize for mistakes, but I also will not be going back and fixing them, because honestly that is a little too much work and it has been over 9 years. Thank you to everyone for reading this and all the nice comments I receive on it! To the passive aggressive and flat out attacking/hate comments: I don't care, again it has been over 9 years and I know it's bad writing, and I know that I went stereotypical in the plot and I know the Greek letters. (Also, no, I did not and do not expect you to remember them, that's why they're at the beginning of every chapter). Okay, done with my little rant, please attempt to enjoy as many before you have, and know that I also understand if you don't. 

Characters: Percy Jackson- Omega, Luke Castellan- Alpha, Zoë- Beta, Bianca di Angelo -Theta, Phoebe-Eta, Charles Beckendorf- Delta, Silena Beauregard - Gamma, Ethan Nakamura- Iota, Castor- Kappa, Lee Fletcher- Zeta, Michael Yew-Epsilon


     "I don't know what's happening Thalia. It's like all of a sudden everyone's giving me the cold shoulder and they all hate me now. Even Annabeth has been distant lately. I can't lose her Thalia. I don't even know what's going on!" Percy ended his rant yelling. The huntress' had just arrived and already some of them were looking at him like scum. You would think this is how they usually looked at him, but Percy was the only guy that all of the huntress' trusted.

  "You know I'll always be here right Seaweed Brain?" Thalia responded calmly.

  "And I'm very grateful for it Pinecone Face. I'm going to go see if I can talk to her. Just, be careful okay; I don't think I can loose you too Thals." Percy walked off towards the Athena cabin.   

   Annabeth had been growing distant but he was determined to spend some time with her and ask her why. When he got to the Athena cabin and Malcolm told him she wasn't there, he went to the beach to think. On his way past the forest, he heard sounds of kissing. He wasn't going to investigate until he heard something else.

    "When are you going to dump him Annie?" I recognized the voice as Stephen, the new son of Aphrodite. Who was Annie? The was a daughter of Demeter named Anne, but she wasn't dating anyone. He crept a little closer to hear the response.

    "I'll do it tonight, after the campfire babe," He would know that voice from anywhere. It was Annabeth! But how could she do this? How could she cheat on him after 'never again?'

      He stepped out of the shadows then said, "Don't worry Annabeth. There's no need to wait any longer to be with him in public." He ran back to his cabin and packed all of his stuff, only leaving the Minotaur horn behind. He wrote notes to a few chosen people who didn't betray him and left.

*End flashback*

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