Chapter 8

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Characters: Percy Jackson- Omega, Luke Castellan- Alpha, Zoë- Beta, Bianca di Angelo -Theta, Phoebe-Eta, Charles Beckendorf- Delta, Silena Beauregard - Gamma, Ethan Nakamura- Iota, Castor- Kappa, Lee Fletcher- Zeta, Michael Yew-Epsilon

As they walked through the city Percy talked with Thalia and Bianca with Nico. It was nice being all back together. Bianca was still surprised that Thalia was the leader of the hunters, since last time she saw her she hated them.

As they walked quietly into Sally's house, Percy and Bianca took their hoods off. There was no need to hide who they were here. Sally and Paul were saying goodnight to Sarah and Odysseus, so they went into the kitchen and sat at the counter.

"Sorry you had to wait," Sally said as she went and hugged Percy.

"It's no biggie mom," he said. "I hope you don't mind my bringing friends along. Bianca can help relate the story and Nico and Thalia need to hear it too."

"Oh don't worry about it. You guys are always welcome here," she replied hugging all of them. "Now are you guys hungry? As I was waiting I made you guys some cookies."

"Yes!" Percy yelled and Sally turned around and shushed him. "Sorry I have been craving these ever since I left. You know how much I love these mom." He apologized.

"It's alright son, I'm sure the kids are just playing on their Ds' anyways." Paul waved the apology off and poured 6 glasses of milk to go with the cookies, which Sally got out.

"Thank you Mr. Blofis." Nico responded politely.

"It's always a pleasure to see you Nico, and you too Thalia." Paul said and Percy raised his eyebrows at the three.

"They would come over and visit sometimes getting comfort from us and in turn comforting us. We reminded each other of you, so we started hanging out more when you were- gone." Sally choked up at the end and looked away. Percy got up and gave her an everlasting hug and mouthed thank you to Thalia and Nico. They nodded back.

"I'm sorry,"Sally said when gained control of herself. "Now what were we talking about?"

"I was just going to ask who else visited while I was... Away." Percy said wondering how many people bothered his mom and her new family.

"Let's see. Annabeth, Thalia and Nico, Tyson-"

"The kids loved him," Paul cut in.

"Don't forget Leo, too, and his girlfriend Calypso."

"Yeah and Poseidon. Hmm, who else? Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank, Grover and Juniper. There were a couple more, but my memory isn't what it used to be sweetie." His mom finished sadly.

"It's okay mom. Thanks for telling me what you could." Percy said, grabbing his fifth cookie. "How many times did Annabeth come?"

"She came probably once a week. In fact I'll be expecting a visit from her tomorrow. Does she know you're alive?" Sally asked, just now realizing that Annabeth wasn't one of the guests sitting in her kitchen.

"She didn't tell you?" Percy ashes unable to keep the disbelief out of his voice.

"Didn't tell me what?" Sally was now very confused, same with Thalia and Nico. Bianca looked at him with pity.

"Let's start with the story then, since this is the beginning of it all." He said in answer. "You'll help me right?" He asked Bianca.

"Always Perce," she replied. He nodded in response.

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