They Find Me

341 13 8

3rd POV

The little mermaid woke up from her slumber due to muffled shouting. She put her hands to her face and felt her mask which makes her smile. The mermaid swam up to the surface level and peeked her head out slightly. Two boys were shouting at each other. One is the white hooded boy and the other is a monochrome clown. She began listening to the conversation.

"You can't just give up, Jeff. Slender has things almost ready!" The clown shouted

"Well what else can we do, LJ? This female has been hidden for eight days? If she wants to attack, then she would've done it already!" Jeff yelled.

Then LJ stomped back inside with a pissed off face. Jeff went back inside as well giving her a chance of escape. She dragged herself to shore and transformed her tail to legs. The girl got her phone and her backpack and began walking around the woods. She found a large clearing and began walking to the centre. In the centre, a beautiful blue and green rose is planted. Water drops are clearly seen on the petals. The girl was about to touch it until...

"Hey! Who the hell are you?" Someone shouted. Crap. The voice sounds familiar... Jeff.

Jeff's POV

After getting mad at LJ, I left the mansion and began walking around the woods. I wanted to go to my favourite clearing with the rose in the middle. There's a myth long ago that only two people can see that rose. One man and woman. The other resembles your true love but I don't believe it. As I made my way to the clearing, I saw a figure. By the shape of her body, it's obviously a female. Her back is facing me but I can still see she was going to touch the rose until I yelled:

"Hey! Who the hell are you?"

The girl seemed taken aback and turned around to face me. She has her hoodie up and a beautiful mask on. She pulled out a pocket knife and tilted her head slightly. I just realized I had my knife in my hand which probably scared her. No worries, I'm still gonna kill her. Well.... Let the battles begin!...

????'s POV

Jeff threw his knife at me but I caught by the handle which surprised him. He took out a replica of his knife and charged at me. I ran at him and punched him in the face making him fly back a few meters. Blood started dripping down his nose as he looked at me with bloodlust.

"Oh you are so gonna pay!" He shouted and charged at me again

He raised his knife and lowered it quickly. I blocked it with my pocket knife and stabbed him with his original. He grunted and placed his free hand on the wound and sliced my arm with his other hand. Luckily for me, my wound closed back up. Yeah.... I can't die. I raised my hand to stab him again until I felt someone behind me. I turned around and blocked the sword of a green midget with my pocket knife.

"Who are you?" He asked

I didn't respond because... Well.... I can't. He took his sword and was ready to stab me but I held it by the blade and stabbed him in the stomach. I was going for another round but I ducked just in time to see a scapel stab the midget instead of me. He screeched in pain and I stood back up to see a guy with a blue mask and black goo drip down his mask. He was the one who threw the scapel. I charged at him and was able to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell down to the ground and I went back to the others. Jeff is up now and so is the midget. They ran at me at the same time and I only held my finger up and swiped it to the right. Both attackers flew to the right and hit trees. Yeah. I have what many people call the force from star wars or telekinesis. I turned back to see that blue masked dude now up and ready to fight. I just used my force and made him hit a tree. Good. All three are unconscious. I was getting ready to leave until I heard clapping. Multiple clapping to be exact. Out of the cover of trees, four slender figures came out. Wait... Those are the four guys from last time. Without hesitation, I charged to the formal one. He took out tendrils from his back but I stepped on one and used it to boost my way up to his face. I made a clean and deep cut on his cheek before he disappeared. Teleportation? Two can play that game. I went for the slender that looked like a rapist and he took out claws. He swiped them in front my face but I ducked and stabbed his hand. The formal one appeared again but with a grin on his face.

"Wait... Don't hurt us. We only want to talk. Lower down your weapons and we won't attack" The formal one reasoned. Really? Talk?

I was about to lower my weapons until I sensed something coming my way. I immediately put a large blue orb around me and the thing hit my orb and fell to the ground. A scapel, a knife, and a sword. Well great. They woke up. Jeff and the other two looked like they wanted my death soon. I looked back at the four slenders and the formal one smiled. Somehow.

"Dear, please. Forgive their behavior. Seeing you fight my best three and win is outstanding. I am willing to make you an offer. You come live with me and my killers and no one harms you. I promise on my soul. I am also Slenderman. My brothers are Trenderman, Offenderman, and Splenderman" Slenderman telepathed with a grin. Wow. We have a lot of powers in common. I put my hand on the chin of my mask and thought about it. Then I got my answer.

I bent down on my knees and began stabbing the ground. I wrote a message with my pocket knife.

Hi. I'm going to accept your offer and trust you. By the way, I'm Luna....

Luna The Mute

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