Chapter 2

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Kyle woke up about midday and walked out to the lounge.

"Morning Kylie. " Heath laughs.

Kyle turns around quickly thinking it was Duncan.

"Bit jumpy there mate?' He asks.

Kyle just laughs.

"Funny. " he grins.

"Your Uncle seems cool." Heath smiles.

"Yea." Kyle replies.

Just then Duncan walks in with Brax.

"Are you sure you raised Kyle, he doesn't go anywhere near the water." Brax laughs.

"Kyle can't swim." Duncan replies.

Heath and Brax both stare at Kyle.

"I can now. " Kyle grunts.

"You couldn't swim!" Heath laughs.

"Shut up Heath. " Kyle grunts and pushes past Brax to his room.

Duncan followed him in.

"So you finally learned to swim." Duncan chuckles.

"When you get thrown in the ocean by your psycho uncle and your jerk cousins you decide it's time to learn." Kyle replies.

"What you call me." Duncan snarls.

Kyle backs up, he knew his uncle would lash out, all he has to do was get to the lounge and he would avoid another beating.

"Kylie. " Brax yells.

Usually Kyle hated this name but he was just happy Brax needed him.

"Yea." Kyle replies as Brax opens the door.

"We're going to pick the girls up from the airport, so stay here and clean the place up a bit." Brax smiles.

Kyles eyes widened, great now he is alone with his uncle.

"Well would you look at that, your big brothers are gone and your little brother is out all day with his girlfriend. " Duncan grins.

He pushes Kyle hard into a wall.

"Let's see how psycho i really can get." He grins.

" Hello. " someone calls.

"It's Tamara, is anyone home?" Tamara asks.

" Get rid of her." Duncan snarls punching Kyle in the ribs.

"Hey Tam." Kyle smiles fakly.

"Kyle i need to tell you something, my parents want me to go home with them." Tamara blurts.

"What are you going to do?' Kyle asks.

"I'm going to go." She smiles.

"Well I wish you all the best. " Kyle smiles hugging Tamara.

"Who is this?" Duncan asks.

"I'm Tamara. " Tamara smiles.

"You got yourself a girlfriend do you Ky?" Duncan grins.

"No I'm just a friend but I used to go out with Casey" Tamara grins.

"I'm Duncan Bennett, Kyle's uncle." Duncan grins.

"Hi Duncan, i better go Kyle, nice to meet you. " Tamara smiles.

"Nice to meet you too." Duncan replies.

"See ya Tam." Kyle smiles.

As soon as the door shuts Duncan turns to Kyle.

"Where were we?" He smiles.

Kyle tries to make a run for it.

"When will you learn. " Duncan grins as grabs Kyle and sends his knee into Kyles gut, causing Kyle to fall to the ground.

"Now what did you call me before? " he asks picking Kyle up off the floor.

"I'm sorry okay just please let me go. " Kyle begs.

"I'm pretty sure that you called me a psycho. " Duncan snarls.

"Please. " Kyle begs knowing what his uncle is capable of.

"Remember your cousins are still a phone call away. " Duncan laughs.

Kyle was scared of his cousins almost as much as his uncle.

"I'll pay you the money I promise. " Kyle mumbles.

"You better, or else I'll never leave you alone and who knows you might end up like your pathetic excuse of a mother." Duncan snarls.

Kyle could feel his blood pumping hard.

"That's your sister your talking about. " Kyle yells.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" Duncan screams.

Kyle backs up,

"If you don't get me the money by Friday, I'll call the boys to make sure you pay me the money, and they will make it painful. " Duncan snarls.

"I'll get it for you." Kyle mumbles.

Duncan drags Kyle outside.

"I'll be back tomorrow. " Duncan grins.

" Where are you going?" Kyle asks.

"None of your ****ing business." Duncan snarls.

Duncan walks up to Kyle and slams a punch in to his cheek.

"Ahhh." Kyle screams.

Kyle falls to the ground.

"You are still so easy to push around, sometimes nothing changes. " Duncan laughs.

Duncan walks away and Kyle gets up.

"Kyle you home mate. " Casey calls.

"Yea." Kyle replies.

Casey comes outside with Sasha and Rosie.

" What happened to your cheek. " Sasha asks.

Kyle freaked out he has to come up with some excuse.

"I was reaching something off the top shelf and it fell." Kyle lies.

"Klutz." Casey laughs.

Kyle smiles back mainly because he had managed to convince Casey that nothing was up.

"Where's your uncle? " Casey asks.

"He just went out." Kyle replies. As he goes inside.

"He's acting strange." Rosie mumbles.

"It's Kyle what do you expect? " Casey laughs.

Sasha hits him around the head.

"Kidding." Casey laughs.

Back inside Kyle was cleaning up, putting away CDs, clearing the table and doing the dishes.

Brax and Heath walk in with Ricky and Bianca.

" Well done boys, you managed not to turn this place into a complete mess while we were away. " Ricky smiles.

"Hey girls how was your trip?" Kyle asks.

"It was great, and i heard your good news." Ricky smiles.

"Huh?" Kyle asks.

"Your Uncle. " Heath laughs.

"Oh yea." Kyle smiles walking back to his room.

"It always amazes me how little he talks. " Brax laughs.

Back in Kyles room Kyle breathed a sigh of relief, his brothers were still oblivious to what was going on and he wanted to keep it that way at least for now.

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