Normal Day Gone Wrong

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The class was silent as the watched the teacher give the lesson to the class either taking notes or just dozing, all but one he sat in the back of class staring out the window at the ramshack courtyard outside.
It was Sean, he had short messy brown hair and a bored look on his face, he rapped his fingers on the desk waiting for class to end ever minute feeling like an hour to him. But luckily the bell rung and he sighed in relief as all the kids got up around him and he packed his stuff and soon followed them.
His friends ran up to them and patted his back, "Hey Sean whats up you look bored." they laughed a bit and he sighed and looked down at them, he was tall for his age they were all 14 year old and he stood almost a foot taller then them all, "Hey Sean answer us!" one yelled and snapped in his face causing him to blink and look at them, "Why do you guys think class here sucks and drains me everyday."
They all laughed at him as they walked through the dusty beat up hallways to the outside broken world, Sean looked at the mostly destroyed buildings around them that were covered in vines an wondered what they were like before the era had started, "Hey Sean whatcha looking at?" another yelled and as they flicked him and he looked at them a bit mad, "Just looking at the buildings ya jerks!"
"What about them? They've been like that way ever since the era of the monsters came."
Sean sighed and kept walking, he knew that they had been like that for awhile just he wished to see the world before they came. All the monsters. From all the history books he had been forced to read the world used to have large amounts of technology and all had been good till a portal of some sort was opened and the monsters came out ruining the known world and through most people back to an age before technology that included him and his family.
He walked with his friends and they soon left the destroyed city and to their neighborhood where they split up and went to their homes all saying goodbye as they went not knowing if they could see each other the next day or not.
Soon Sean was alone walking through the park, he stopped to look at the random sword suck in a pile of stones in the middle of the park. He walked up and tried to pull it out like everyone in the neighborhood usually tried from time to time but with no avail. He sighed again and have up and walked away back to his house outside it looked like crap, covered in boards of wood and scratched all over. The inside wasn't much better to say the lease.
He climbed in through the cellar and closed and locked it behind him and went upstairs where he was greater by his little brother running up and tackling him, "HI SEAN!!!"
"Ah shut up would ya!" Sean yelled covering his ears as his brother tried to pull them away, "HEY GUESS WHAT!? GUESS WHAT!?" he yelled at Sean looking really excited and Sean decided to give in "What Kevin?"
"I know how to beat the monster thats been scratching up our house!!" Sean sighed and pushed him off and decided to joke with him, "Hows ya gonna do that all high and mighty?"
"The parks sword!!"
"Well good luck with that buddy i soooo believe in you. -cough- -cough- not really..."
"Thank you!!" he ran off to the kitchen and Sean sighed and started walking upstairs annoyed and tired with the day waving to his Mom as he went up. "Im going to take a nap eat dinner without me."
"Ok well try to save some for you."
He walked upstairs and through his bag aside and laid on the old 'mattress' and fell asleep

-later that night-

"Sean!! Sean!! Sean!! Sean!!" his mom screened shaking him awake and in a panic, "What?! What?! What?! What?!" he yelled back sitting up and looked at his mother who was crying which caused him to turn pale, "What is it...?"
"Sean.... your brother is missing..."

Sean was running out of the house not even wearing his shoes or a jacket in the freezing night. He was cold, pale, pissed, and worried. "Kevin!!" he yelled running through the neighborhood looking around for any sign of his annoying best of a brother, "Damn it where are you!" he yelled as people watched from their homes in fear, Sean knew what they were all think... he and his brother were probably dead.
He kept running and looking around he hoped to find him quick before a monster came, everyone knew their favorite time to hunt humans was night.
He thought back to his brothers last worlds and sweared under his breath and ran off to the park at full speed.

Soon he got there and started running to the rock and sword where a figure lay crumpled by it.
Sean saw it and kept running to the rock swearing and crouched down by the figure and turned it over.

It was Kevin...

"No...." he fell back onto his butt looking at his brother his head was bleeding and he was cold.. but breathing making him sigh in relief as he bent over to pick him up till suddenly he felt it behind him.

The warm breath, the creatures height casting a shadow over him under the moons light.
He dove to protect Kevin but was smacked sideways flying across the field hitting a nearby tree hurting his back causing him to lose his breath. He coughed as he tried to get up blood dripping from his mouth he looked up at the beast which was charging him!
In a quick moment he dove to the side landing on his arm hurting that to as the beast slide past, Sean coughed again and spit out blood and started limp running to the sword. He didn't have an idea but he may have an option if he could get there.
But it was to late the beast was behind him again and this time when Sean turned it slashed him with its claws up his chest sending him flying again while bleeding all the way to the rock.
He landed with a thud barely keeping consciousness as he lost more and more blood and it began flowing onto the rock towards the sword.
The beast began walking towards him and Sean knew it was enjoying this but there was nothing he could do but watch and hope the monster would be full after eating him an leave Kevin alone. He was ready to die till he heard a voice in the back of his head, "..igh..."
"What...." he coughed up more blood just trying to say a word
"Fight boy."
He heard it more clearly and sat up a bit now and looked around and all he saw was the blade glowing red it was absorbing his blood it seemed
"Grab me and fight boy!!" he heard the voice again as the shadow of the beast was over him again. The monster slashed downwards and he rolled to the side grabbing the sword it coming out if the rocks easily and he slashed from the beasts shoulder going through as if butter to the monsters hip cutting the beast in half its blood spraying everywhere and onto Sean who didn't care about the spray.
He later there now in the beasts blood and began to lose consciousness and the last thing he felt was its blood going into his mouth.

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