A Question for Valentine's

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 "So, it's valentine's day, and so we'll be accepting your questions," I then start to whisper.  "I swear if we get any asking us to kiss I'm gonna-" I'm cut off by Blueberry speaking "Oh my gosh I can't wait for questions! I love valentine's day, it's the perfect day to make tacos for your significant other!" I smirk at Blueberry's cuteness. I chuckle and poke him, "Shu- whoooa..... I have not checked this in a LONG time apparently..." The first question I see comes up, my entire face goes yellow (color of my blush) "For valentine's day, I'd love if you guys went on a date!" I stare at the question for a bit, Blueberry looking over my shoulder and smiling as usual, but I'm... well, stunned, "i'm... not comfortable with this." I mutter. "That actually sounds really fun!" Blue chirps and I stare at him, a bit shocked, but happy too. "Oh, uh, ok then?" I say, not sure.

He claps his hands, smiling, "What time then?" He asks, looking almost giddy with joy. I think for a second, "Uh, 6 o' clock?" I ask. "Sounds great!" He says before skipping off. I stare at where he disappeared, unable to believe that the person I had fallen in love with liked me back. I sigh, I had to get ready by 6. I look at the clock, 4:30. I wonder how blueberry is going to look, then I remember we're in the anti-void and he has no way to change out of his clothes, I sigh. Might as well try to look nice, I think to myself. I snap my fingers and the next thing I'm wearing a suit. I snap up some flowers and then some of his favorite chocolates into a heart shaped box. And now we wait, I think to myself.

6:00 rolls around and I try to find blueberry. I'm astonished at what I find, Blueberry is wearing a grey suit with a blue tie. How he did this, I'll never know. But he did, somehow. "Are those for me?" He asks. I nod, "Yep! Made them just for you!" I say, handing him the blue roses. He blushes, eyes staring up. "Wow, thank you, I don't what to say!" I chuckle, "So, where do you want to go on this little date of ours?" I ask, wriggling my fingers and kissing him on the cheek. Blue's entire face goes blue at me kissing him. "Er-Error!" He says, embarrassed. I chuckle, "What? Tulips are better than one after all~." I say with a slight flirt in my voice and I smirk. Blue blushes more, but puts his hands on his hips and protests my pun anyway, "That was terrible! You won't win my heart this way!" He then crosses his arms, turning his body off to the side, "Hmph!". I chuckle, "Aw, I'm just tryin' to be humerous." I say. Blue looks back at me, getting into an angry stance and stomping his foot, "These puns are ruining our date! It started out so well!" I snicker a bit, "Ok, ok, I'll stop, but really, where do you want to go?" I ask. "Obviously, we should go someplace romantic! Somewhere fitting for the Marvelous Sans!" he says, putting on a dramatic pose. I chuckle, "Ok, muffin, how about a picnic at Outertale?" Blueberry blushes at the pet name, "M-Muffin?" He asks, sounding embarrassed. "Yes, you're my little muffin." I say, kissing him on the cheek again. It looks like Blueberry.exe has crashed. I snort a bit, "Oh my god..." I say quietly, "Blue? You ok?" I ask, poking him. It looks like he went into shock. I know what I must do. I must shock him more!

"Blue? I have no idea if you can hear me, but I want you to know, that I love everything about you, from the way you talk, to the way you walk, and how your eyes have stars in them when you're happy, and that you were so nice to me, even after everything I've done. I love you Blueberry." I say, nuzzling his cheek. He blinks a bit, before pulling away to look at me. "I love you too, Err bear." He says. I smile softly and kiss him on the forehead, "Ok, so, do you want to have that picnic?" I ask. He takes my hand, and tilts his head to the side, "That sounds nice, Erry!" I chuckle and snap up a portal to Outertale and we walk through it, hand in hand. I close the portal behind us and we walk up to a hill. I snap up a blanket, and place it on the ground before adding candles, a romantic dinner and music to the mix. Blueberry's eyes star up and I chuckle, "Here, sit." I say, sitting on one side of the wicker basket. He nods his head and sits next to me. We gaze up at the stars, and he places his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around his shoulders, resting my head on his as we stare at the stars together, the music swirling around us, the entire thing enchanting.

After a while of this, we decide to open the basket and a smell of fresh bread and pasta. We take out the plate of alfredo pasta and place it on the ground, then we take out two wine glasses. Blue looks puzzled, "What are... these?" He asks, before continuing "What are they for?" I chuckle, "These are for wine, it's a kind of drink, I think you'll like it." I say, then pull out a wine bottle and place it next to the basket. "What is wine made out of?" He asks me, still confused, and a little curious. "It's made of crushed grapes, sometimes it's aged to make it better tasting." I explain, "This is red wine, which is made a bit different from white wine, but I digress." I add. He nods, before getting the forks out. "Oh..." I say, before blueberry asks, "What?" I see what he's questioning, "There's only one plate." I say. He looks at me, a bit confused. I blush slightly, "Oops, oh well." I say with a light chuckle. "That's, fine! I'm just glad to be here with you!" He says, excitedly. "I'm glad to be here with you too." I say, smiling. We share the plate, putting on food that we want, it's mostly pasta. We end up accidentally eating the same strand of pasta and we kiss, but quickly pull back, blushing slightly and I start chuckling. "That was kinda awkward." Blue says, rubbing the back of his head. "Heh, yeah." I respond, we sit in silence for a while. Blueberry looks at me suddenly, he grabs me and pulls me into a kiss, before quickly stopping himself. "I'm sorry, I just-" I pull him back into the kiss after getting over my shock. We sit there for a minute before pulling back again, smiling, "Sorry, you had some sauce on your mouth." I say. He smiles "That was a lame excuse and you know it!" He says. I chuckle, "I know, but I wanted to say it." I playfully punch his arm. He giggles.

The rest of the night consisted with us talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and generally enjoying each other's company. I decide it was time to give him the chocolates I made him. I pop one in his mouth and he eats it, smiling. "They're my favorites too! Thanks Error!" He says after swallowing the chocolate. "Hey, no biggie." I say with a slight shrug. It was getting late, we were both tired and a bit drunk, Blueberry had just fallen asleep snuggling up to me. I smile, cleaning up the picnic with a snap of my fingers and then go through a portal back to the Anti-Void, That was a good first date... maybe they're will be a second one... heh, too early for that, time for bed. I think and snap up a bed, setting Blueberry on it and laying next to him, falling asleep.


Valentine's day ErrorberryWhere stories live. Discover now