Chapter one

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I sat on the plane in my uncomfortable seat next to my dad and his girlfriend, Katie. I was nerveous to be moving to Los Angeles. A whole new city, a whole new school full of new people. It was such a surreal feeling. I know absolutely no one and I know for a fact that I won't have friends on the first day, but that's ok with me. I'm not exactly a people person. My departure wasn't like most 17 year old girls, I didn't have friends saying that they will miss me, saying that they will call me every night. I wasn't completely upset about moving but I also felt as though I should stay, Seattle was my home, it was my mother's home too, I can't just leave a place that holds so much memory of my mother. But that's all she is now, a memory. I was trapped in my thoughts as I stared aimlessly out the plane window. I watched as the life I once had in Seattle was being left behind.

As we exited the airport I heard my Dad talking to Katie but I wasn't paying any attention. I watched people carrying their luggage, the looks on all the people's faces, they were all different in there own way. I become very observant when I'm upset. "Rose, our cabs here" my Dad says with excitement evident in his voice, I just nod while he takes my luggage and places it in the boot of the cab as I sit down in the back seat. I study the inside of the cab, I see something written on the door. Interested I move closer and look at the small writing, it said 'call me for a good time xx' with a number written underneath, I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of the brainless fool that wrote that. I get annoyed by the most idiotic things. I sat patiently, gazing out as small splatters of rain hit the cab window. The once cocktail-blue sky was now a light shade of grey. I had been so engrossed in the weather that I didn't notice that we were almost to our new home. As we were approaching the driveway to our house I noticed there was a large snake wrapped around a tree, chills ran down my spine. I'm terrified of snakes. We pulled up outside of our new home I stared in awe, it was beautiful.

(Ok so yeah this is my first story ever and I'm still trying to get used to it, and I based this story off of a movie because I have zero imagination. Anyway this was sort of a fill in on the character and story. I don't know if this is good or not because, like I said it's my first story)

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