Chapter three

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I sat in the car with my Dad outside of my new high school I was nerveous but this had to be done. "You could wait, you know, just until you get a school uniform. You don't have to go now." My Dad said reassuringly "Yeah I know, but I can't stay home and watch daytime tv forever" I say facing him. "Why not? I could" He cheered smiling I laughed lightly "I just need to get started and to get it over and done with" I say calmly.  "Ok, well, you look good" my Dad babbled I can sense he is feeling nervous. "Thanks" I smile at him then hop out of the car. "Katie'll pick you up" He said to me from the front seat. "I'll walk" "you sure about that?" He asked,  his facial expressions said that he didn't like that idea "Yeah,  I'm sure" I say turning around. As I was walking down the pathway I can feel everyone's eyes on me, I feel really uncomfortable, really out of place.  but I need to get this over and done with. As I was walking in the main entrance I noticed the a small crucified Jesus above the door way, I don't know why I'm going to this school, my famiy isn't religious but judging by how some of these people wore their uniform, neither were they.

       ******* Harry's pov*******
"Hey, satanist alert" Calum said nudging Ashton "God, I thought it  was Satan himself.  Oh my god, Jesus Christ. He lookin'? Oh god." Ashton cried out over dramatically "He's looking, ok, I'll find a warm place. Safe, warm place" Calum said closing his eyes and holding his hands together and trying to hold in his laughter, I just smiled like an arsehole and stared at them as we walked past, god I hate them, but I Hate Luke the most. As we reached my locker Ester's head popped up from the book she was reading and spoke up "The almanac says today will bring an arrival of something" "Great. I'm getting my rag" Bethany said in a sarcastic tone while fixing her jacket sleeve. Ester continued "A new wholness and with it a new balance. Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Aether. Maybe it's our fifth" "We don't need a fifth" I say annoyed grabbing my biology book. "Harry, we need someone to call the corners" Ester encouraged rereading the sentences of the book her thick, brown hair covering almost her whole face. "Five would make a circle" Michael added glancing at Bethany as she nodded. I just rolled my eyes. "Maybe she can be our fifth" I said nodding towards a very old,plump security guard walking past. "I love a woman in uniform" I joke causing Michael and Bethany to laugh and Ester to shake her head smiling. We started walking to our next class, after all the bell was going to ring shortly.

              *****Rose's pov*****
Great, my first class at my new school is french class, luckily I know a little bit so that may be useful when we have exams.  I watched as the teacher wrote his name on the board with the smallest piece of white chalk I've ever seen. The name 'Mr. Leclerc' appeared in very neat, cursive writing. Mr. Leclerc started speaking in French to a boy in the second row, clearly asking him a question. I couldn't quite understand but I put the pieces together and figured out that he was asking what the guy did on the weekend. "Uh.... Tres... Tres bien. Monsieur Lurclerc" the boy answered confused and carelessly. I noticed the boy had a big mop of sandy blonde curls, I turned my attention back to  Mr. Leclerc, who soon spoke up again asking him if he saw some rock concert, or maybe  some famous woman? I'm not the best at french but I know the basics. I watched as the guy in front of the curly haired boy turned around to help him by writing something in his book. "Oh, you mean, did I get laid?" The curly haired boy laughed as he spoke.  "Quel, idiot. Cretin" I whispered aiming it at the boy, i didn't notice that I spoke a little louder than I expected. "What did that snail trail say about me?" The boy asked pointing to me with his pen, Mr. Leclerc laughed quietly and shook his head "Ashton, she only said what we were all thinking" Mr. Leclerc answered, I'm guessing he doesn't speak English often because most of the students looked shocked. I noticed the boy that helped Ashton earlier was looking at me but he soon turned his attention back to the teacher. I'm not going to lie, the guy in front of that half wit is really attractive. He has blonde hair styled up in a quiff,along with a lip piercing that hugged tightly on his plump, bottom lip, and his eyes are a beautiful, ocean blue. I am  almost jealous of how beautiful they are, mine are an ugly shade of green.

-I am so bored right now, I start to think that watching daytime tv all day isn't a bad idea. I pick up my pencil and slowly balance the sharp led on the desk, I'm focusing on the pencil and nothing else. Slowly I let go of it and watch it stand on its own. I block every noise out and concentrate as hard as I can, the pencil slowly turns anti - clockwise spinning on the led, it almost puts me in a trance.  I have always been able to do things like this ever since I was 8. A gasp brings me out of my concentration. I snap my head in the direction the gasp came from, my actions causing the pencil to fall down on my desk and roll into the floor. I see a girl with long, brown, curly hair, I couldn't see her face because it was hidden behind her thick hair. Oh god, she saw, great first impression,  Rose, calling out someone on their mistakes then showing how much of a freak you are. I just hope no one else was watching. 

(Ok, just adding this is a Harry Styles fanfic, and even though she's pretty attracted to mystery quiff boy, gee I wonder who that is hmm.  She meets Harry soon. I'm just clarifying things) 

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