Letters From My Unknown Mother

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                                                                       Chapter 1

           I don't know why we are born the way we are. If we got to choose our families, life would be perfect. Unfortunetely, that's not the way it works. Unfortunetely, I can't live a normal, perfect life like everyone else. I porbably will never live a normal life.

         My name is Patience Elroy. Yes, my name is Patience. It's weird, I know. This is another thing I would change if I got to choose my life. My name would be Anna Marie. I would also change my appearence. I am a ginger; red air, brown eyes. My hair is so straigt that even if I try to curl it it won't work. I want to have wavy ligt brown hair wit blue eyes. Again, you don't get to choose your life, so I don't even know why I bother to even dream about that.

        The thing I would want to change the most, though, is my family. My father is never home. He leaves the house all the time for work, and I'm all alone. I don't even know my mother, because my parents broke up one year after I was born. My father allows no pictures of her at all in my room or anywhere in the house, and when i talk about her, he yells at me and grounds me. The worst part about my family is that I have no brothers or sisters. Now, some people may find this perfect, but I get terrified whenever I am home alone at night.

        A few years ago, when I was 13, I was sitting upstairs in my room reading a book when I heard a noise downstairs. I thought it was my dad coming home from work, so I headed downstairs. What I saw wasn't my father, but 3 mean dressed in black, searching shelves and our money vault. The stairs creaked, and the men turned their heads at me. I turned around and started to run up the stairs, my heart thumping. Halfway up I felt someone grab my leg. I lost my balance and tumbled down the stairs. One of the men grabbed me and pulled me roughly up. He pushed me against the wall with a gun pressed against my temple. "You scream, I shoot!" he half whispered, half yelled in my ear.

          I whimpered from the pain of the fall and because I was terrified. "P-please don-" I was cut off from my sentence when the man released the gun from my head and shot the spot right above my head. I yelped in surprise, holding back my scream. He pressed the gun harder into my temple again. "I said Don't Make A Noise!" he yelled this time. The other men were done clearig all the rooms of their valuables and were getting ready to open the front door when the door was knocked down and 5 policemen barged in. "Put your hands up, or we'll shoot!" one of the policemen yelled. The man holding me released te gun from my head, dropped it to the ground, put his hands up, and started to cry. The others did the same, and the policemen ran and grabbed the men. One of them came and grabbed me. Then my dad walked in. He was crying and a tissue was in his hand. The men were escorted out, and my dad told the policeman holding me that I was is daughter.

         They took me and my dad to the station and started questioning us. Apparently, my dad was getting out of the car at our house and he heard the gun shot. He called the cops, and the rest is history. I couldn't help but feel extremely mad at my dad for not being there. Ever since then, I've never really talked to him. It was tramatic for me, but I've gotten better over the years. I will just never feel the same about my dad again.


Whatdoya think??? I need at least 5 likes to continue writing this story! Thank you if you read this story, even though I bet no one did/ will. Ok, well, thanks!

-Arania107******* <3<3<3

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