3 Years Ago ...

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Okay, I just wanted to say that I'm writing this story because @Janiceismindless ' story 'She' gave me an idea and that story was BOMB! DON'T worry... i'm not gonna steal her plot twist or anything . But if your noticing that I am. I'm truely sorry. just let me know ... Otherwise read below ^.^


Thinking about what had happened 3 years ago is still throwing me off. Thinking about after we had our HUGE argument days before I had to move.. I wasn't expecting on moving either... It was never my intention to move out of state... And it wasn't my choice.

Flashback... Three years ago.

Trina and her dad were putting items into boxes and taking them to the Fed Ex truck. As for Trina, while she carried a huge box outside and put it into the truck, she sighed and took a short breather. They've been moving boxes out the house for about an hour or more..

"Phew.." Trina wheezed as she wiped her sweat filed forehead. 'Too many boxes.' She thought to herself.

"I'll be back, sweetie. Just let me go and pack up the last of the things in the house." Mr.Hoy said. Trina nodded and leaned against the truck before she closed her eyes. It was minutes before a voice interrupted her little break. A voice she never wanted to hear again, but a voice that she never wanted to forget.

"Hey Trina.." He spoke. That caused Trina to jump out of shock . She opened her eyes and saw who was in front of her.

"Oh hey , Jacob." Trina said giving off a small smile.

"So, umm.. Whatcha doin' ?" Jacob asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Oh, just moving some boxes.." She replied as she sat at the edge of the truck.

Jacob gave Trina a confused face.

"Your moving...?" Jacob questioned.


"Your not moving far.... are you?" Jacob said lowly as he gave Trina a look.

"No..." Trina said as she looked away from Jacob. She was lying. She was moving WAY far.. Knowing Jacob.. She wasn't gonna tell him.

It was a silence before Jacob retorted back..

"Why didn't you tell me?!" He snapped. Trina jumped at his tone.

"..I didn't think I had to, Jacob! ... Since you considered our friendship over." Trina snapped back.

"OH! As well as we BOTH know each other, we BOTH knew the friendship wasn't fucking over." He growled.

Trina grew silent and looked down at her dangling feet. As on cue Mr.Hoy, Trina's father came out the house with two big boxes. He looked like he was struggling a bit. Trina let out a small chuckle and went to go grab a box from her dad and they carried them to the truck. Mr.Hoy noticed Jacob leaning on the truck.

"Hello Jacob! Haven't seen you in a while.." Mr.Hoy smiled, giving Jacob a hug.

"Hi, Mr.Hoy." He greeted back.

"So, Trina.. You tell him about Florida?" Mr.Hoy smiled at Trina. Trina's eyes grew huge as she looked at Jacob.

"No.... She didn't.." Jacob said looking directly at Trina. Trina looked away quickly.

"Oh. Well I'll let you two talk about that alone... I'll be in the house." Mr.Hoy said leaving the two alone.

Jacob stood in front of Trina. Trina did nothing but look other ways and avoiding eye contact with Jacob.

"So your not moving far, huh?..." He said in a bit of an annoyed tone.

Once again... Trina stayed silent.

"HUH?!" Jacob yelled and caused Trina to jump again.

"N-no..." Trina said quickly. She couldn't even get the right words out when she started with Jacob in situations like this.

"There you go lying AGAIN!!" He yelled.

"I-I'm sorry, Jacob." Trina apologized. She was in a bit of a scared zone.

Jacob scoffed and shook his head.

"I can't believe you at this point.. And to think I was coming over to apologize to your ass!!" He spat.

"Jacob , I-"

"No , FUCK you!..." He said and paused.

Trina gave him a fearful and apologetic look.

"Your gonna regret everything that happened between us .. And I don't mean the good shit either." He said.

Trina was lost for words..

"But don't worry," Jacob said adding a smile.. "we'll see each other again soon...trust me."

Jacob took one last glimpse of Trina's beauty. her wavy shoulder length hair, almond brown skin, her petite body... and most of those asian slinted eyes of hers that he loved most about her..

All he did was look at her and walk away.

After that Trina hasn't seen or heard of Jacob for 3 years..

End of Flashback

Thinking about 3 years ago makes me miss him. Yet I don't wanna see him again... at all. Only because I know how Jacob can be..

Seeing him aga--

"TRINA!" Chresanto said literally snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh... sorry. I was just... Thinking. I said looking around the football field.

"Look, whatever your thinking of.. please take it off if your mind. It's been taking you off hand for a while now.." He said.

I stayed silent...

Maybe I should take my mind off of that... I'm gonna end up going crazy after a while if I don't..

"Okay, i'll at least try to take it off of my mind." I smiled at him.

"Thanks, babe." He smiled and pecked my cheek..

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