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I hardly slept much at all that night. The first time I woke up was because I had a nightmare that the man whom I had slept with was laying beside me, trailing his icy fingers up my arm. I woke up with a gasp, my body felt cold and dead until I rubbed my arms for warmth. Though, I still felt ice taking over my heart, the beating slowed drastically and there was this darkness growing deep inside of me. The image of that man only seemed to re-enforce the feeling of impending doom inside of me. When at last I fell back asleep, I had nightmares of Anthony. His voice and gentle touch layed over me like a blanket. I dreamt that he had grabbed me like others had, made me do things to him the way I do them to others. And then he turned sweet again, his usual self...including the 'I love you's. I woke up, heart beating fast, sweat clinging to my forehead. I didn't want any of this. I didn't want that horrid man touching me, undressing me with his hands OR with his eyes. I didn't want Anthony waiting patiently for his turn to own me. I didn't want him there each night, telling me he loves me. Ugh, the idea makes me sick! I threw the covers back from the bed and slipped my feet into a pair of intricate designed slippers. My fingers grasped the cool gold handle of my balcony doors and flung them open. The sheer curtains billowed into my room as the night breeze sent them dancing away. Softly, I lay my hands over the marble of the balcony railing and took up a dreamers pose. Chin in my palm, I let the night breeze lift my mind far away and send it spinning into a world of art and passion. The way the moon shone off the water, casting a huge spotlight on the waves. Down the street was a sewing shop and inside I could hear scissors being snipped, needles being threaded. The night consumed the city, people were snoring in their beds dreaming dreams unlike mine, dreams that permitted them to sleep. I closed my eyes just for a second, to see if it was possible that I could fall asleep without being greeted by a nightmare, and when I opened them I heard a voice.

"Come find me."

I looked around panicked, fearing that it was Anthony. But then I calmed myself, that isn't Anthony's voice. This voice was deeper, more rich and intoxicating. This voice made the voice of Kathy's suitor seem completely unnatractive, and trust me, his voice made me melt before I heard this new one.

I straighten and look out across the rooves, the sun is starting to rise. As I left my balcony doors open and climbed back into my bed I started wondering whose voice I had heard. It doesn't belong to anyone that I already know, nobody that I've ever met. But one thing I do know: this voice chases away the chill of my nightmares. Instead of the icy moon settling over me, my flesh was being warmed by a sun that hadn't touched my heart in a very long time. I fell asleep with a smile touching the corners of my lips and that beautiful voice running through my mind, whispering over and over again Come find me.

When I opened my eyes I expected to see a fairly gorgeous man sharing my pillow, he would lean in close and whisper, "You found me."

But sadly that only happened in my dreams. I woke up to an empty room and empty thoughts. The first time in forever I didn't know what to do, nothing seemed right. Suddenly the door was flung open and Kathy came bouncing in.

"Oh, your finally up," she smiles.

"What do you mean? I always wake up at this time."

"No, its one in the afternoon-"

Really? Could my dearest Kathy be right? I guess when one dreams of Heaven they do not wish to return to Hell...

"Well, how many times has Anthony been here then? Was it three or was it ten?" I questioned.

"None," was the reply.

I must have looked shocked because my friend continued, "He hasn't come to ask for you but rather has been waiting outside. When your brothers found him they took him away with friends."

"'Away'? Where too? And with who?" So many questions, had Anthony given up on me?

"Not as far as you think."

I threw the sheet from my legs and ran onto the balcony. Down the river were two boats, side by side with my brothers, their friends, and Anthony. Oh, I should have known!

My brothers, Edgar and Jon, were sporting glasses of wine and so was Anthony as well as a few others.

Well, I do suppose, to each his own.

So I left from the balcony and began dressing while listening to the boys outside. They were laughing and shouting and calling my name, it all sounding as if they were playing a game. A game cannot be played alone, it takes two to play, not on ones own.

So I listened to their hollers and laughs galore, when I finished dressing...I might have looked like a whore.

Bright, white socks went up past my knee, a dress of green covered mostly everything, right down to the T.

The dress was not long, nor was it proper, it was everything especially a man stopper. Much of my leg was shown, the lace at my wrists and breasts to make them moan. It left much to be desired, that little green dress that was my attire. The back of the dress caught with air, fluttered as I walked, just like my hair. Pretty golden heels clicked and clacked saying she is wicked and left men gob smacked.

I gave a loud whistle, and stared, green eyes glowing with everything but care, at the boats gliding through the water. Edgard and Jon give a wave, Anthony smiles at me as I precariously perch on the edge of the bridge, legs dangling, hearts are mangling.

"Veronika, oh, Veronika. Where for art thou, fair Veronika?" Anthony coos.

As the boat gets closer I cross my legs and lean forward to display my breasts.

"Anthony, oh, Anthony. I am here, can't you see me, dear?"

He stands up to try and get closer to me, "Oh I do, Veronika. I do see you, and only you."

"Well," I purr, "I. See," he is getting closer to me, "You." I place my heeled shoe against his chest, "Too." And then give a push.

Anthony falls into the water with a splash and a crash. Around us, laughter surrounds. Anthony comes up for air, pushing his blonde hair out of his eyes. I let my laughter flow free even as he tries to splash me. The water droplets reflect rainbows within the light and then fall back down to their home in the sea.

"Playful are you, dear maiden, especially in the clothes in which you are laiden."

I flash him a sickly sweet smile before standing up and walking away

I flash him a sickly sweet smile before standing up and walking away.

As my heels clacked against the pavement I couldn't help but think of my favorite pasttime: seduction and lust.

It had always been a part of me, I was cursed with irresistable beauty and devilish wit, something that men fought for from me. And I had always given in to them; I never saw it that way until now, I always thought that they gave in to me. I am beginning to see how truly wrong I am. They played my game not because I'm worth winning but because I was so easy to beat.

Yes, while my heels clicked and clacked they did leave men gobsmacked. While my attire wore to my thigh and no higher I took many a sire.

Across the crowded streets and rivers full, dozens of other men there were. I took up arrow and bow, drawed back and aimed it low. The wood sliced the air in half, its feathers whistling by, the target feeling my wrath. Hurt me and I hurt back. Except I don't aim high when I hurt...I aim low. So all men best watch out, lest they receive a nasty blow.

I lowered the bow and decided to reload, rejoicing in the fact that I had struck my target.

"Bulls eye."


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