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My first true friend

The first true friend I ever had
Was the one who saw the real me

Though they saw you as bad,
In my dark and hollow eyes,
You were as good as can be,
And for that, you were glad.

A simple friendship grew
Between the two of us,
In those days of old.
But now time is no longer gold.

I know that the both of us
Have gone through a tough time,
Almost exact on a different dime,
Now between us is empathy and trust.

But you don't know a storm is coming,
But I do.
But you don't know that I will protect you,
But I will.

You were my first true friend,
The first to stand up for me.
So now I will return the favor,
And be the first to stand up for you.

Now is the calm before the storm
And when it blows over,
I will be prepared to fight,
And as ready as ever.

I won't tell you about this,
So forgive me for being quiet.
But if it protects you,
My lips shall be sealed.

I have every reason to do this,
I have nothing but you to lose,
I'll stand my ground and yours,
I'll protect my first true friend.

All you did for me,
All you helped me through,
All we laughed about,
All we cared about,

I will cherish it all.
I will protect it all.
I will save EVERYTHING.

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