Mark Richard with 9 seconds to spare (BoyxBoy)

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9 seconds...

It could mean a lot of things to me, 9 seconds to the end of the game, 9 seconds to eat before leaving to go to school, 9 seconds until class ends, and most importantly, 9 seconds to until I meet my soulmate, or realize my soulmate. Life's weird like that.

I always was a good kid, straight A's, football star, Helps at soup kitchens, I always made my family proud. I had never bullied anyone, But I always help those in need of some protection. I was almost always called the nice, kind kid that would help you with your homework. I never dated, I didn't want to hurt someone. I mean, everyone meets their soulmate, one way or another, and I didn't really want to get into a love triangle in my life. I will always remember meeting him.

*2 years ago*

I had walked into the locker room, totally convinced that it be a normal football game, boy was I wrong.

(Later in the Game) (A/N sorry I don't understand football that well, I will try as best I could.

I ran as fast as I could towards the goal to make a touchdown...9 seconds to go, and GOAL!!!

"We won! We won!" My team had surrounded me, the opposing team congratulating us, then it happened.

* Beep Beep* Aberment...what kind of name is that?!

My soul-clock fell to the ground. My team and the opposing team all stopped and looked to the ground.

"It seems to be a big night for Mark Richard, for more reasons then one, It seems to be that he found his soulmate on this very game." The announcer had said, But I ignored them. Aberment...I had kept looking, wanting to find, see the name.

Without me knowing my team had passed around my fallen soul-clock.

*Beep Beep*

I stopped, I turned around. There they were, my soulmate, correction... there he was.

He stood there, awkwardly I might add, he had brown hair, blue Eyes. He was wearing a male cheer leader outfit. He looked at me, his eyes went wide. As he looked at her soul-clock and mine.

"So I guess your my soulmate then?" I had said. "Y-yeah, I-I am J-James Aberment" "Mark Richard." I think he knew that though. " I kinda knew that" I had laughed at him,causing him to looked at me. I walked towards him. When I reached him I pressed my lips to his, the sparks flew everywhere.

We pulled back, Just in time to hear the stadium burst out into cheers, he smiled at me, and I had smiled back. I quickly closed the gap between us,and the sparks flew again. We rested our foreheads together.

After two years of dating James I had popped the question, we had a small wedding, his family and mine with a few of our friends. There was no alcohol at the wedding, we didn't want to have people be drunk at the wedding. After moving to our new home after a few months we adopted two babies, Alexander and Lillian, twins, with the exact same time to meet their soulmate. Life was good, James and our little family were great, so yeah.

My soulmate was the best thing that I ever happened to me, even better than winning the championship.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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