He Would Never Leave Me

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The Boston Terrier nuzzled her hand, and turned into a person!!!!  It turned into a woman wavy black hair, appearing to be around 25.  

She grinned at Star and bowed, "My name is Rachel, I have used far too many last names to use one.  I am the guardian of Mary's copyhouse, and I was born into this servitude."

As Star looked more closely, she noticed that Rachel was flickering!?  

She's a hologram!  Star realized.  

She backed away from Rachel, radiating hostility.  Moon, noticing the flicker, backed away as well.  

Rachel smiled apologetically at the two runaways, "Oh," she sighed, "It appears that my image regulator is dysfunctional."

Star glared at her: this had all been a trick!  A holographic image meant to lower her guard!  

Star, once again, thought about Moon; a total stranger... No, that wasn't right; her descendant, who had pledged his life to her before they had even met.  

Star walked calmly to the door, unbelievable cocky.  

Unfortunately, when she crossed the threshold, Moon cried out, and fell to the ground.  

Star glared at the holographic woman as if it were her fault, and it most likely was.  

Rachel smiled ruefully, "I forgot to mention; Moon is not allowed to leave until he joins the Sunmen."

Star scowled, "Why would you want him?" she scoffed, "He would just double-cross you."

Moon grinned at Star's confidence in him, still sprawled on the ground.

Rachel chuckled, "We don't need his loyalty, we need to get him out of the way.  There will come a point where Moon will have to be moved to another location.  We can't have him running around, keeping you out of our reach, now, can we?  So the most pragmatic course of action is to simply have him surrender; it saves us a lot of hassle."

Star glared daggers at her, "Moon would never surrender to the likes of you!"

Moon smiled wider as he stood. 

Star kept pushing, "His parents died for what he's doing now; what he's been doing his whole life!  He wouldn't throw away what his family has been doing for all these years.  I know that he is faithful because he is my real descendant, and he has proven himself time and time again.  I'm sure that the Galactics that turned did not carry my family's blood!"

Star glanced at Moon, seeing him smiling, his face red as tomato.  She grinned back at him, and Rachel fumed.  

"We don't care how strong his will is!" she roared, "We've broken people with stronger wills than him!  If it really comes down to it, we can tamper with his memories; make him believe that the Galactics killed his parents, not us.  

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