Chapter 1, New Shoes

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"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Marinette heard a call. "Why haven't you talked to me, it's been a whole MONTH!"

"Sorry, I was busy Alya!" She called to her friend. They both attend the François DuPont Academy for the Arts. Alya majors in photography and journalism, and Marinette majors in dance.

"I hope we get to room together again," Alya sighs. "It's great, you're like my sister."

"Yeah," Mari laughed. As they walked past Chloé and Sabrina she overheard a bit of their conversation.

"Adrien is coming to school this year!" Chloé squealed. "That means I'll actually get a good dance partner this year!"

"But, I was your partner last year," Sabrina mumbled.

"Yes I know honey, that's why I want a new one," she smiled back at her.

Marinette sighed. Poor Sabrina, she's really nice and didn't deserve to be treated that way.

"Looks like your in luck!" Alya looked up from the paper. "We're roomies again!"

"Cool! We should go unpack our stuff, did you grab the keys?" Marinette asked.

"Yep, got them right here. I hope I can find a good story this year, my grade suffered last time," she told her.

The chatted as they walked the hallways, stopping occasionally to greet other friends. Upon arriving at their room, Marinette decided to unpack her dance wear. Tights, leotards, wraps, shorts, leggings, practice tutus, you name it, she had it.

"Hey can you get me a lens cleaner?" Alya asked as she examined her camera.

"Yeah, let me just drop my bag off," Marinette replied. She grabbed her pink bag and ran off.

She quickly left it at her desk, and ran out of the classroom.

Not shortly after, Chloé and Sabrina entered. Chloé looked over at her bag and smiled.

"Watch this," she told Sabrina. She waltzed over to Marinette's bag and fished out her ballet flats.

Chloé took scissors out of her own bag and snipped the elastic on the left shoe.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Adrien yelled. "Those are someone's shoes!"
He quickly rushed over to see if he could repair them.

"It's just Marinette's shoes, not a big deal," She shrugged.

At that moment Marinette re-entered the room with Alya.

"Hey!" She shouted at Adrien when she saw her shoes in his hands. She quickly ran over to find the damage.

"Why would you do that!" She exclaimed. "Do you know how hard it is to buy new elastics?!" She bent down and picked up the shoe.

"I was just-" Adrien started, Marinette left before he could finish.

"Permission to go into town to buy new elastics?" She asked her homeroom teacher.

"Yes," she responded writing up a pass. Marinette was relieved. Getting a pass into town was hard, being a private academy. She got lucky.

"Who is she?" Adrien asked Nino, his roommate.

"That's Marinette," he replied. "Chloé has been picking on her since forever."

"How can I apologize?" Adrien asked him. "I haven't dealt with much conflict before."

"Just tell her what really happened," Nino shrugged.

Adrien looked back over at her, she was talking to her friend.

He wanted his first year of school to be great, and so far it's not going so good.

After the introductory day, Marinette went to the entrance of the school with her pass.

The gaurd replaced it with another, with a time she must be back by.

She walked into town and smiled. She missed summer already. She purchased her elastics and headed back to the school.

On her way she stopped in front of a television. There are dancers, only they aren't dancing ballet.

"Breakdancing," she whispered. It looked like a lot of fun. They were all smiling, messing around. They didn't have to do exactly the same thing as everyone else.

"I wish I could do that," she thought remembering the school rule as she reached the entrance. "Maybe I can, if I just-"

She got back to her room and got her sewing kit. As she walked to the rest area Chloé slammed into her.

"Hey! Watch it!" Sabrina exclaimed.

Marinette looked down to see her thread and other stuff on the ground. She quickly picked it up.

"Where's my needle?" She asked aloud. She was brushing her fingers on the ground, but couldn't find it.

"Here," Adrien said handing it to her.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

"Hey, about earlier," he started. "I didn't cut your elastics. Chloé did, I was trying to see if I could fix them before you came back." He paused. "Sorry."

"No, no it's okay!" Marinette blushed. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Thanks."

"See you around?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, see you around." She smiled. She felt giddy, oh god she didn't know this feeling, but at the same time she did.

She re-sewed her shoes, reenacting the scene that just played out.

"Why are you beet red?" Alya asked her when she got back.

"Am I?" She questioned. "I'm just fine."

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