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"I just remember being kids and playing in his backyard. I think I cherish those moments the most, the ones where it didn't matter how popular you were or-"

Next channel.

"We'd always go on rides together around town with our other friend Joe, and-"

Next channel.

"From the moment I first came to America, I didn't know anybody, but he took me under his wing and was just so generous-"

"Oh my god, Dex! How many channels did you go to?!" Aleks exclaimed with a laugh, finally turning off the TV as he combed his hand through James' soft curls in his bed.

"Jordan's more popular than ever now." James pointed out, staring lovingly at Aleks' soft features before placing a kiss on his lips.

"Mm," Aleks moaned softly, pulling James closer until they were both laying on the bed. He widened his lips, allowing James to take dominance and explore his lover's mouth.

His hand landed softly under Aleks' t-shirt, running small circles on the boy's hip as their passionate kisses became more lustful and the silence was filled with quiet smacks of they're lips together.

"James!" A woman's voice called from below James' attic-bedroom steps. The boy quickly shot up from his place above Aleks.

"Yea?" He called back down, leaving Aleks awkwardly laying below his straddled hips.

"How was school?" She asked as she walked up the stairs that creaked with her footsteps.

"Fine." James answered blatantly.

"Oh! Is this your boyfriend?" She asked happily, staring at the two boys as if it were normal to see James like this.

"Mom!" James scolded.

"I'm Aleks." He answered, too shocked to move from his position.

"I'm Dianne. Nice to meet you." She replied, reaching her hand out to shake Aleks', who awkwardly reciprocated the gesture. "Are you staying for dinner?"

"Actually, I should get going." He answered, glancing at James', who naturally moved from his spot above the boy. "I, uh, have a funeral I need to go to." He awkwardly smiled as he sat up on the bed.

"Oh, sorry to hear!" His mother happily understood. "Well, James, I just wanted to let you know that your father called."

"What?" he asked, suddenly sitting up straight.

"He wanted to know if you would like to schedule a visit soon, but we can talk about that later. I hope to see you around more, Aleks." She smiled again before she left the room once more.

"Are you okay?" Aleks asked, rubbing James' back softly.

"Yea." He answered slowly. "Can we not talk about it right now?"

"Yea, that's fine." Aleks shrugged as he pushed himself off of the bed, staring smugly at James. "So, am I your boyfriend?"

"Um," he blushed nervously, rubbing his hand through his hair. "Yes?"

"Yea?" Aleks asked, moving towards the other man, who wrapped his arms around Aleks' waist as Aleks did around his neck.

"Yea." He said a little more confidently, looking up with a happy smile.

The Creatures [novahd/heathers au]Where stories live. Discover now