Chapter 3

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I got up early to get ready for the day.  I put on my one-piece suit since that’s all my mom would let me wear.  I threw on some gym shorts and some shades.  Then I put my hair in a ponytail and walked out the door.  I got in my car and drove to the hotel they were staying at.  It was completely surrounded by screaming girls.

I went to the guy in the black suit guarding the door.  I told him I was supposed to see the guys and the password Niall had told me.  The guy looked at me skeptically, like he didn’t believe I actually was supposed to be there.  I opened up my texted and showed him the one from Niall that had the password.  He nodded his head and let me in the doors.  I went to the elevator and took it to the top floor, walking to the room he told me was theirs. 

I knocked on the door, hearing some commotion, before it finally opened.  Niall was standing there, and when he saw me he pulled me into a hug.  I heard someone clear their throat and we pulled apart.  Standing right there was this blonde bimbo with super tight clothes and way too much makeup.  She came over and kissed Niall on the cheek, telling him she had a great night.  Then she gave me an evil smirk and walked off to get into Niall’s car.  I turned, shocked, and started to walk off too.

“Wait Katie,” he shouted, “It’s not what it looks like! I promise.”

“Well then what is it Niall? It looks like that girl spent the night with you and you just completely led me on for no reason.  I definitely do not want to be some random chick you made fall for you while you were at one of your tour stops.  So I’m just going to go, it’s fine.  The real story is probably even worse than this one anyways, so I don’t even want to hear it.” I tried to hold back tears but it was really, really hard. 

Niall grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.  With his other hand he wiped a tear that fell down my face.  “It’s nothing like that. I promise.  She’s El’s cousin, I promised El I would get her home safe.  Please, don’t leave.  Go inside and wait for me.  I’ll be right back and I can explain everything.”

I nodded and walked to the door pushing it open to reveal Harry being the only one awake.  Louis and Eleanor were sleeping, and let me tell you, Louis snores.  Zayn and Liam were nowhere in sight.  I went over and sat next to Harry who was patting the seat next to him on the bed.  He asked me if I was okay and I nodded, but didn’t really know what else to say. 

“I saw what happened,” he said, “but it was nothing like that.  I swear, Niall is telling you the truth.  Just a few minutes ago, Niall was sitting right where you were telling me how amazing you are and how he can’t believe he was lucky enough to find someone like you hidden away like a well-kept secret.  Sienna, the girl you just saw, probably over heard us talking and was jealous.  She’s always had a thing for Niall since we first met her, but he never liked her back.  Besides, El would never let her cousin date one of us.  She claims she’s going to leave us any minute now, though it never happens.  She loves Lou too much.  Niall’s just nice to Sienna because he feels bad that he broke her heart when he turned her down.  He doesn’t go for the blonde bimbos even though he can be one himself.” 

I couldn’t help but smile at Harry.  It all made more sense now, Niall’s face was shocked when Sienna had kissed him, and he didn’t look happy.  I thought he was just upset that he had been caught, but I was wrong.

“Trust me,” said Harry, “I know a guy and a girl who connect when I see them, and you two definitely connect.  Don’t throw it away because Sienna is pulling this lie out of her ass.”

Harry went to wake up Eleanor and told her what happened.  She immediately got up, woke Louis up, and grabbed my arm, dragging me into the bathroom. 

“El, what are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m getting you ready for the beach. You are not going out looking like that.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? We’re just going to the beach.”

She sighed. “Katie, there’s going to be paparazzi there.  You might not care how you look now, but trust me.  It really sucks when you look online and all these awful picture are online saying awful things about you and how ugly you are and how you aren’t worth the boys time.  At least if you feel pretty, when you look at those pictures you’ll know you actually are pretty and the people putting up those pictures and saying those awful things are lying.  Trust me, it will help.  Please?”

“Okay.  I like makeovers anyways. Thanks El.”

“No problem, babe.  That’s what best friends are for.”

“Best friends?”

“Yeah. Best friends.  You’re the only friend I’ve made since tour began, besides the boys of course.  It’s exciting.”

“Thanks El, I’m glad to have you as a best friend too.”

She smiled, finishing up with my hair.  She had brushed it out and then curled the ends to perfection.  She did my makeup light so I wouldn’t sweat it off, and made sure to use waterproof mascara.   Then, she handed me a pile of clothes.

“What are these?” I asked.

“The clothes you’re going to wear. They’re mine. We’re the same size.”

I looked them over.  A bikini, a pair of high-waisted jean shorts, and a flowy see-through top.  I threw them on with some black flip-flops and grabbed my aviators.  She smiled, content with her makeover.  As we walked out of the bathroom, we say Niall and Louis sitting on Harry’s bed with him.  Niall stood up immediately and walked over to me.

“You look beautiful Katie, really,” He said, kissing me on the cheek.  I replied thank you as he took my hand. The door to the room opened and in came Zayn and Liam.  They both instantly checked me out.

“Who is the hot chick?” Asked Zayn with a smirk.  “I mean she sounds like Katie…” I rolled my eyes.  “She definitely acts like Katie…” Everyone laughed.  “But, she looks like a model!” He winked and flashed me his best smile.  Niall gave him a dirty look and pulled his arm that was holding my hand around my body as if to show I was his.  Zayn put his hands up and backed away, defeated. 

“So Zayn, I hear everyone is pretty excited about you and Perrie being engaged.” Niall shot at him. Zayn rolled his eyes as if to say fine, you win.

Niall started to pull me out the door, ready to head out to the beach.  We could hear Liam in the background shouting at us to wait up, he had to put on swim trunks.  Niall shouted back to them that we’d take all the cars, just in case.  He opened the passenger side door of the convertible for me and walked around to the driver’s side, completely clearing the door as he jumped over it.  As he puled his seat buckle on, he looked over at me and winked.  I blushed and looked away.

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