Meeting Them

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I finally found the nest of squirrels that I had been looking for all morning.
They were high up in a tree too high for me to climb.

So I started looking around for a rock I found one that was small enough to throw but big enough to do some damage. I threw the rock as hard as I could hitting the nest and knocking it out of the tree. I quickly ran over to the nest seeing four big squirrels laying there not moving, even though there was four they would still barely feed my group and I.

I guess the fall killed them because when I walked over to them they didn't move and they weren't breathing. I quickly picked them up and tied them to my belt loop. 

I stood up and started to head to where we had been camping out, when out of my left eye I saw movement in the bushes.

When I turned around a walker wearing blue jeans and no shirt was headed towards me with his arms outstretched. He had rotten flesh falling off of him and he smelled horrible.

He made his way towards me while growling and chomping his teeth I sighed thinking of how he use to be a living person but I quickly made my way towards him stabbing him through the eye with my hunting knife.

I pulled the knife out and when I did a stream of blood came out on me.

I washed it off with some disinfectant wipes happy that my sister, Hali, had picked them up a while back when we were scavenging.

I stopped and looked back at the corpse with no feelings and then started to make my way back to the camp like I intended to in the first place.

I was about 30 feet from the camp when I heard screaming I started thinking the worse and when I made it to the camp I was right, a small herd of about 5 or 6 walkers had stumbled among the camp.

Frantically looking around for my sister and brother I only saw Violet,
Hali's best friend being pinned against a tree by two snarling corpse.

I ran up behind them and stabbed them both in the back of the head saving Violet's life again for about the 4th time. I asked her where Hali and Willard were but before she could say anything Hali ran out of the bushes being chased by two more walkers.

Hali tripped over a stump and fell to the ground and just as she did the two walkers fell on top of her she was doing all she could to hold them back but the one closet to her leaned down inches from her neck ready to take a bite  when out of no where an arrow goes threw its head knocking it off of Hali, the other one took this as a chance and went for Hali's wrist trying to take a bite out of her but she grabbed the arrow out of the first walkers head and stabbed the second one through the eye.

Hali got up and ran to us and hugged Violet and I.

"Maxie where did you get a crossbow and when did you learn to shoot it" she said jokingly.

"that wasn't Max" Violet said

"What? then who did it and where's Willard?" Hali spoke.

At about that time a dirty looking man with a crossbow walked out of the woods followed by a Korean boy, a man who severely needed a shave who looked to be the leader, a colored girl in dreads with a katana in her hand, and a boy who looked to be about my age, 15.

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