Chapter 11: Stronger Together

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Bruce had picked up Tony and they were one their way to Steve's house.

Bruce's mom kept looking back at Tony worriedly. "Are you sure we shouldn't go to the hospital?" She asked.

"Yah. It's fine really... Steve's mom will be able to help me." Tony said.

"Ok..." Bruce's mom replied, unsure.

They then pulled up at Steve's place.

"Thanks!" Tony shouted, getting out of the car, slamming the door shut and limping up to the porch. He rang the doorbell.

Steve's mom answered. "Oh Tony!" She gasped when she saw him. "Come in, want happened to you?" She asked, ushering him inside.

"Um... Well... My dad was drunk and..." Tony mumbled.

"Oh you poor child, come into the kitchen and let me look at this. Steve! Bucky! Steve come down here it's Tony." She yelled.

Tony sat on the kitchen counter and Mrs. Rodgers got out her first aid kit.

Steve and Bucky came down. When Steve saw Tony's face he rushed over. "Tony are you ok?" Steve asked concerned.

"I'm ok." Tony replied, obviously lying.

Steve gave him a look that said, as soon as my mother is done helping you, I expect to hear the truth.

"I left you a voice mail and called but you didn't answer." Tony said, wincing when Mrs. Rodgers gently dabbed his cut with a wet wash cloth.

"Oh I'm sorry Tony... I didn't have my phone on." Steve frowned, looking at his feet.

Tony looked from Steve to Bucky to Mrs. Rodgers and knew something was up. He hadn't noticed before, but he saw Mrs. Rodgers mascara was smeared and Steve's and Buckys eyes looked red.

"We're gonna have to stitch this up." Mrs. Rodgers remarked. She then sewed up the cut. "You don't have a concussion, so that's good. In 3 days I'll take the stitches out." She said. "Now go run along upstairs and borrow some of Steve's cloths, yours are drenched."

Once in Steve's room and in dry clothes, Steve looked at Tony. "Tell me what happened." He said.

"Well... My dad came home drunk and he saw the mess in the kitchen and got mad and I told him off about how he's never around and he threw his vodka bottle at me and yelled to get out of his house." Tony said. "I twisted my ankle because he shoved me and I ran away as fast as I could. It was scary Steve." Tony broke down crying.

"Come here Tony." Steve took Tony and hugged him. "You're ok now, you're safe." Steve whispered.

"I'm sorry man." Bucky frowned.

Tony managed to stop crying after a little and let go of Steve.
He sighed and looked at Steve. "Now you tell me what's wrong. I know somethings up with you Steve." Tony said.

Bucky left the room then. Steve bit his lip and looked out the window. Tony sat, waiting.

"My dad... He's dead. So is Bucky's." Steve told Tony.

Tony couldn't believe it. Both of their dads were dead? That was awful.

"Steve I'm sorry to hear that, that's terrible." Tony frowned.

"Yah. I haven't seen him in a year. They were gonna come home next month..." Steve's voice shook and his eyes filled with ears.

Tony went over and hugged Steve. They sat there and they both cried.

"Tony. I wish your dad would be nicer to you and appreciate you more. You're a great person. Don't let him get you down. It's not your fault he's the way he is." Steve said after calming down.

Tony sniffled. "Thanks Steve. That means a lot right now.... Hey where's Bucky?"

"Um I don't know... He left the room when I told you cuz he didn't want to hear it again." Steve said.

"Should we look for him?" Tony asked.

"No.. I think he needs to be alone right now." Steve replied.

Tony and Steve then sat in silence, looking out the window. They watched the ran fall steadily onto the ground and the droplets hit the window, sliding down like a teardrop.

Meanwhile, Bucky had run out of Steve's house. Rain pounded on his back as he raced to his own yard and opened the door. Once inside, he ran into his parents room and grabbed a picture of his family. He hugged it tightly to his chest and screamed. Tears fell steadily from his eyes.

"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME!?" Bucky wailed. "WHY?!" He threw the picture across the room and the glass shattered.

Bucky whimpered and fell onto his knees. "Nothing will be the same." He whispered, curling up into a ball and crying himself to sleep.

A couple hours passed and Bucky hadn't come back into Steve's room.

"Maybe we should look for Bucky now." Steve said.

They looked all over the house. No Bucky.

"Hey mom, have you seen Bucky?" Steve asked.

"I thought you guys went outside, I heard the door shut hours ago." His mom said.

"Shit." Steve mumbled.

Tony refrained from calling him out on his language like he normally did. He didn't feel like joking around today.

They ran outside and Steve knew where Bucky went. The door to Buckys house was unlocked and they walked right in.

"Bucky!" Steve yelled. No response.

Steve ran upstairs and saw Buckys parents door ajar. Steve walked in and took in the scene. Bucky lay curled up in the middle of the room. A few feet away by the wall lay a picture, glass shattered around it.

Tony stood in the doorway and Steve walked over to Bucky and knelt down beside him.

"Hey buck." Steve whispered, gently shaking him.

"Steve." Bucky smiled, waking up.

"Let's go back to my house. Ok buddy?" Steve suggested.

"Ok." Bucky got up and Steve wrapped an arm around him. Once to Tony, Steve put his other arm over Tony's shoulder as well. The three walked out of the house and across the yard back to Steve's place.

Mrs. Rodgers had made dinner and they all sat down to eat. It was a quiet, depressing meal.

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