What will she do ??

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Knock knock O God please let this go well.



Omg what are you doing here you can't be here.

I know i should be here but drakes has been in an accident.

Omg how did that happen.

We told him about Jada.

Why the hell would you do that.

Its full time now they know the truth and by the way we promise when they are 16 we would tell them so please let me talk to Jada.

I wont let you do that

Just please drakes in the hospital and he wants to see her sister.

He can't sorry bye.


I'm coming

Hi who are you.

Can i talk to you for a minute please.

Sure come inside is everything alright.

No. I am so sorry Jada.

What happen and who are you.

I am your mother and your a twin your brother names Drake and he us in the hospital and he broke his neck,foot and arm and it is all because i told him he is a twin he stoke away and crash and really wants to see you could you come to the hospital.

Sure I-I'll come.

Well that went better than u expected so lets go.

I'll be home by midnight..

At the hospital

Hi Drake are you ok.

Yea I'm ok
How did you react when you found out.

I didn't react how you reach that's for sure.

Ha ha

You know it's nice to have a brother.

And its nice to have a sister.
Um mom can we get some time alone to talk.

Yea sure honey. We'll be right outside.

Jada what would you say if you move in with us.

U-Um i know you guys are my real family but i think thing are moving a little too fast i would have to discuss it with my other parents but its really up to me. Drake i would would have to think about it ok.


What will jada say remember to like and comments please and thank you

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