I hug Maya as she continues to cry. I don't blame her. She's scared. Today is the day of the reaping."It's okay Maya,it was only a dream I get them too."I said. "But Riley what if they pick me?"Said Maya."Your names only been in there once there not gonna pick you." I replied trying to calm her. As soon as she is asleep I run out of the house. I live in District 12. We mine coal for the Capitol. I run past all the miners heading out to the mines. I slip under the bent place in the broken electric fence and run into the woods. When I get to my spot in the woods. I retrieve my bow and arrows from the knocked over tree trunk and look for some game. I spot a dear and aim for it. "What ya gonna do with that when you kill it Riles?" I miss my shot and the dear runs away. "Really Farkle?"