Bye Suckers

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Heeey this is my first fanfic so no ABUSEEE! Hahah lawwwwl❤

Anywhaaay, on with the story....







*Spencer's POV*


"Byee! I'll miss you so so so so so so soooooo much, mom!" A tear formed in my eye and slowly slipped down as I gave my mom a huge hug. "You better call and write and FaceTime and Skype and-"

"Okay we get it mom, I'm sure Spencer will call us" my big brother interrupted. "See ya laaater sis." He ruffled up my perfectly styled hair, and I couldn't resist giving him a hard shove.

Today was the day me and my friends: Mia, Kelsey and Siobhan were leaving New York to live in London for a year. We had just graduated and now we wanted to have some freedom before we started college. It was my idea to travel. Even though I'm really excited, I'm still going to miss my family.

Suddenly my dad gave me a massive bear hug, (and might've crushed a few bones). "I am going to miss you so much, honey. And remember, if anyone tries to mess with you, all you gotta do is call me, you know that right?" I just stopped listening when he started his 'what-he-would-do-if-anyone-touched-or-even-layed-a-finger-on-me' speech. Memories came flooding back as I looked over my home. Good and bad.

"Geeez, I'm not joining the army. I'll be back in a year." I said as I subconsciously bit my lip (I do that a lot).

"Speeeeeencer! Don't leave! I've not gave you a huwg yet!" My 5 year old brother sprinted out to the garden were we were standing. "Ahaha, I'd never do that Jakey!"

"So I take it Jennifer isn't saying bye" I said turning back over to my parents.

"She had things to do, but I know she is really upset about not being able to see you." My mom said quietly.

"Yeah, I'm sure getting your nails done is more important. That bitch." I whispered to myself.


"C'mon Spencer we're going now, the planes leaving soon." Mia yelled from the cab.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming, geez!" As I hopped into the car I yelled "BYEE! Don't forget me!"

"Bye everyone!" my friends shouted and after that we sped off.

Ano this is really short but don't hate, this is just a kinda intro, sarry if its boring! #sorrynotsorry


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