Family with Ray Ray (Mindless Behavior Fanfiction)

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Jasmine Pov

I woke up from bed today with full of joy becuz i'm going to a new music school called Studio 21. I did my morning hygiene and end went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast and i can smell some pancakes and bacon and i asked my mom is breakfast is ready becuz i dont wanna be late to my new school since i am new.

Mom: Hey sweety are you happy for your new music school?

Me: Of course i am mom and i think i am going to love more that the other music school i went.

Mom: Alright then hurry up with your breakfast and let me drop you to school. I have things to do

Me: Ok mama i will finish like in 3mins ok.

3mins later...

Me: Mom!!(yelling)i have finished my breakfast can we go now.

Mom: Ok i will be downstairs in a sec

In Car...

Mom: So Jazzy since you are starting a new school that means you are going to make some new friends right?

Me: (angry tone) What type of question is that? Obviously i am going to make some new friends.

Mom: I'm sorry i'm just asking and there is no need to get mad.

At Studio 21.. 

My pov

I walkes down the hallway and 3 girls came up to me and introduce theirselves. One said i am Maria and i am 15 and the second one said i am Nicole and i am also 15 and the last girl said i am Chloe and i am 14 and i'm turning 15 next month. 

I told them i am Jasmine but they can call me Jazzy for short and i am also 15 and i am new to this school.

Maria: We can see u are new to this studio becuz you have the new people smell.

Me: okkkkkk (weird smile)

Maria: So what do u have first period dancing or singing class?

Me: Emm actually i think i have dancing class.

Chloe: We have the same so maybe we can go to class together

Me: Okk (smiles)

Dance class... 

My pov

Me and the girls walked in the class and i have to go to the front since i am new to that class so that the teacher can introduce me to the students.

Teacher: Hello students today we have a new student joining us called Jasmine Johnson and please make her feel welcome ok.

Students: Ok Mr.Clarke

Teacher: Today we are going to learn ballroom dancing so i am going to put u in two pairs ok.  

Julie and Ray, Princeton and Chloe, Prodigy and Maria, Roc and Nicole and blah blahhhh

Me: So Ray how long have u been in this studio for?

Ray: Well i have been here for 2 years now. And let me say your kinda cute.(smiles)

Me: (blushing) Emmm thanks

Ray: I know you are new here and all but i just you to say either yes or no to what i'm about to ask u. Douwannagooutwithme?

Me: Ha i dont understand what u just said

Ray: Ok Jasmine Do u wanna go out with me? (shy)

Me: Yes i will go out with u

Ray: wait what!! I thought u are going to say No.

Me: Dont let me change my mind

Ray: ok ok  

Me: so when and what time 

Ray: Tomorrow at 7:00 

Me: ok i will be ready

After school...

Tomorrow is Saturday and i am going home from school and walking with my new friends and i told them about my date with Ray tomorrow so they can help me with my makeover. They also told me that Ray is in a boy band called Mindless Behavior with they prodigy,prionceton,Roc. And i told them maybe he will tell me on our date.

Ray's pov

I know Julie is new to the studio and that but the first time i saw her i knew she is my Mrs Right because the way i felt about her i have to admit it I have never felt like that for a girl before excepts her and i knew she was different from other girls if u know what i mean.

Date Day.. 

My Pov

The girls came to my house and helped me out with my date with Ray. They time is 6:55 and i' almost ready for my lovely date.

Ray's pov

So i dont wanna be late so i got to Julie's house at 6:55 and stood by the door to wait till is 7:00 so that i can ring the bell.

My Pov 

So we went on our date and it was really amazing and let me say this i think Ray is cute,funny,caring,kind and i think i would love to go on a second date with him and he said he would love to go on a second date with me.

12 years later........

My pov

Me and Ray got married 5months ago and i am 8months pregnant with his child. I dont wanna know the child's gender becuz i want it has a suprise.

Ray pov

So me and Jazzy are in the living room writing baby name down. She said i have to pick boys names since i am a boy and she will do the girl's names since she is a girl. 

So I picked the name for a boy which is Craig Lopez or Rayon Lopez Jnr. 

She also picked Joana Lopez or Kadiza Lopez.

1month later.. 

My pov

I was in the kitchen with Ray and i think i broke my bottle so Ray have to rush me to the hospital and i gave birth to a bouncy baby boy and we name him Rayon Lopez Jnr. 

We went back home and our families and friends throw a small party to welcome the baby in the family. They gave us baby gifts and congratulating us and all.

Prodigy married to Maria and they has 4 kids two boys two girls.

Princeton married to Chloe and they had twins one is a boy and the other one is a girl.

Roc married to Nicole last week and she is 5months pregnant and she is having triplets.

Julie and Ray have three kids now and they all live happily.


Thanks for reading and i hope you like it

plz follow me on instagram: mindlessbabygirl_143

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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