Chapter 2

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Hello friends chapter 2 of Sour infection, sorry its so short I'll try to make the next chapter longer C:

The hunt

Mavee nodded then Mal flicked his tail and they bolted after the other sours. Alvira fell to her knees a tear rolled down her cheek her two best friends where gone and sour, Sunny just stood there.

Grave flew back soon spotting Mal and...? Mavee "Yo guys!" Grave called Sparro landed and Snatcher turned around "found Mal and Mavee!" Grave said "Mavee is back!" Said Snatcher, Mavee had been a good friend to them all except Kit. Sparro soon knew that Mavee was sour Loup for when the sour had been tamed the first thing she said as a normal Mallowolf was "Mavee will be back." Sparro was very confused when he was just a normal Sparrowmint but now everything pieced together.

When Alvira finally collected herself "Its a new garden my new life i don't need Loup or Sparro." Alvira kept repeating to herself but why couldn't she believe it. Sunny stood in her garden she needed a new Kittyfloss and Macaacoon.

The group of sours soon found their way back to the cave surrounded by dead trees, Snatcher placed Kit down in some moss Dustartos found his way to them "sick pinata?" he asked in his eerie voice "I believe that is my speciality." he added, Snatcher guarded his sick friend "you will have to go through me to get her." Snatcher said "I can get her back i have a Life candy with my I always do but you will need to pay in sour candy, and im only offering it because you are sours." Dustartos responded "Alright." Snatcher gagged a bit and coughed up two sour candy, Dustartos sucked them into his cloak, threw out a life candy and drifted away with his new candy. "Yes the candy. Eat this Kit, please Kit eat the candy." Snatcher said shoving the candy into Kits mouth, Kit licked the candy sucking it into her face soon the colour returned to her fur and her eyes flicked back to their normal colour.

Alvira was 100% done with her old garden she could have new pinata friends she could just leave all her other pinata in the post office.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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