Skyzero~ If I could talk...

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...I'd say a thousand words,
"Sub, are you okay?" Adam cupped my right cheek with his hand, my turquoise eyes started to sting with tears. He got even closer to me, our faces inches apart.

I wish I could open my mouth and talk, but I can't. That's the problem.

I shut my eyes tightly, crying my heart out silently. Adam put a light finger to my lips, eyes clouded with worry. He handed me a small journal and pen. "Write it down." My hands trembled, the only thing on the paper was a un-symetrical line. Tears dropped onto the paper, and that's when Adam embraced me with a hug.

A-Adam. You don't have to, not for me atleast. I'm just a background person. In both real life and social media. No one says "Good job Sub!" or "Thank you!"

He smiled at me in pure pity, as he leaned closer to my face, his hot breath trickling down my neck. He started to shut his eyes, and I sat there, dumbfounded at what was about to happen.

He brushed his soft lips against mine. A single tear, the last one, ran down my cheek and dropped onto my hand. I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck. After a minute, we pulled away for air. Adam looked at me, smiling warmly.

"You're not alone anymore, Sub. Please don't be or feel sad anym-" I lunged myself at him, burying my face into his chest. A smile spread across my face as I saw Adam blush.


I leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek.
Adam sighed, "Ha, even though you can't talk, lemme guess what's on your mind." He closed his eyes in a delighted manner as his cheeks flushed a light pink.
I stay there, wondering if he would guess right.

"...Me." He giggled.

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