Odd Encounter prolougue

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My heart is pounding in my ears as I force my legs to quicken with each step. Panting hard for air that I have little supply of left. The pain in my legs increased as I sprinted down the dark street that was rowed with two story houses and shops on either side. Each building looked vacant, dark with the lack of lights, every window and door was shut and locked, only within one house did the face of a young boy appear, staring at me with fear and sympathy, although quickly closing the curtain he was peering behind as I met his gaze. Unwilling to let me escape from the danger I'm in. I don't blame him, I bet he's as scared as me, but I'm used to this, plus I have always been an outcast. Ever since I have been able to, I have been fending for myself. No one wanted to help me, it wouldn't matter if I cried or begged, they would just turn their faces when they saw me. Pitying me I'm sure, but still... unwilling to help.

The darkness of the night has swallowed the town and everything in it whole. The clouds obscuring the sky. Not one star is allowed to pass through the barrier of thick clouds. Only oil lamps light my otherwise dark path. Beside from the sound of my own quick footsteps I could hear the sound of my follower running close behind me. "You can't run forever my dear," they called. In fear my steps somehow quickened. But with every step I also had the fear of collapsing from exhaustion. My breaths deepened as I gasp for air. Then I listen closely, expecting to hear footsteps quickening along with mine close behind me. But it was silent. The only thing that I could hear was my own footsteps and ragged breath. I halt immediately and glance behind myself with wide eyes. I stare at the empty space of the street behind me. He's gone... I thought to myself. But how could he disappear so quickly...? That's when I hear that dark voice again, "You should be careful on whom you chose to steal from, little girl!" He spat out the last part, expecting me to be offended by it. But it didn't phase me, and why should it? But the fear of what might happen never leaves me. I clutch the bag of food that I stole at this mans shop close to my body. I haven't had anything to eat for almost a month now... I was so desperate, I had no choice. Then I feel large rough hands claps harshly onto my shoulders. I drop the bag that I was holding out of fear and freeze in my spot, too terrified to move. I could tell that the man knew how scared I was, because what seemed like only a second later an ear splitting laughter breaks the once frightful silence. The grip on my shoulder tightens as the laughter grows louder, I collapse onto the floor, crashing into the rocks, hitting my head in the process. As I lie on the floor, unable to move, I feel the warm liquid of my blood drip down my head just passing my eyes. My eyes widen as I stare at my bag that I had dropped, laying on the floor right next to my head. The man kneels down to pick up the paper bag, that ear to ear smile never leaving his face. He stands up, quickly rummaging through the bag, only to stuff it into his torn up tail coat. Staring at his brown leather shoes I dreaded every movement I saw him make. Afraid that he would pull his leg back and give me a final blow to the head. This is it... it was bound to happen at one point... I close my eyes forcing myself to accept the reality of my situation and wait for the pain. I listen closely to my surroundings, hearing the shuffling of the man's feet, and the crumpling of the bag as he moves. I hear one of his feet move and I can't help from opening my eyes. The man's foot is drawn back but it never hits my head. Instead, from a soundless source, he falls onto the floor backwards. Confused and terrified I stare at the souls of his shoes. The air catches in my throat as I look up. My eyes fall upon a tall figure of a man, he had long jet black hair and dark blue eyes that would send shivers running through your body if they gazed at you. He had the whitest skin I have ever seen, but had defined features. He wore a tail coat, polished shoes, slacks, shirt, and tie. All black, but each piece of clothing had a different shade. His hands were covered by white gloves, he looked deadly, but somehow I could tell that he was filled with a hint of sorrow. But that sorrow quickly disappeared as his eyes found mine. He walked toward me, his feet not making a sound, and crouched down next to my head. I feel one of his hands gently close my eyelids as my mind slips away into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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