The Relationship begins.

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please take a sit, the story is about to begin." Alesana - The Dark Wood of Error.

I woke up for go to school, I was excited, I'll ask Alexandra for be my girlfriend, I was happy, I knew the answer, I was nervous, we were in math class, I was talking with her... Then I said:

-I have to ask you something.
-Tell me. She said.
It was hard for me to speak, but, I whispered to her...
-Do you want to be my girlfriend?
-I'll answer that later... She said that with a cute smile on her face...
I was so happy, I knew that she will say me yes.

At the end of the day, she was about to go to home, and she told me yes, she accept to be my girlfriend, I remember that I hugged her, and hold her for a long time, I was so happy, I was crying, I could not believe it... I was happy.

We start talking all the time, Facebook, in class, in breaks, everyday, talking all the day with her, and I never felt bored with her, I always had something to say, and it was a really cute relationship, everyone in the classroom knews that we were together, and other classrooms knews too.

Everyday I went to school, talk to her all the day, and back to home, and call her, and talk to her again, until she went to sleep, everyday, for almost 1 month.

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