Chapter 3

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Adrian POV:

 I slept on the pull out bed, but was awoken to a sound of groaning. I got up and looked to where Marinette was sleeping and no one was there so I started to panic. I finally saw Marinette with a blue figure on her head when I walked over she whipped her head in my direction but instead of her usual bell blue eyes she had blood red eyes. I walked to her and as I wrapped my arms around her she looked at me with the normal blue eyes I remembered.

Marinette POV:

All I remembered was a bright light and me feeling something warm on my body and when I looked up I found a strange boy hugging me. Then another heat source crept up my face and I didn't know why, and then I looked away.

"Well this is awkward isn't it?" Adrian let go and I asked.

"Who are you?" I asked this strange person I had never met. Then he said for me to go back to his bed.

{Morning time}

When I woke up I didn't remember anything from last night. But then I felt something on my head that was really warm so I took it off to see that it was little blue dragon. I shrieked waking up the boy with a startle, and I ran into a corner and started watching it in fear.

Adrian POV:

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a shriek from somewhere and jolted up in surprised to see Marinette hiding in a corner shaking. I walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and she shrieked again only to wake up Tikki, and Plagg. When tikkie found Marinette she squealed and flew to her only to get a scared look from her. "Damn! I was almost finished too." I looked around to see where the low voice came from only to find a tiny blue dragon kwamii floating in the air.

I stood there for a moment staring like an idiot [ I probably looked like an idiot too]"WHAT ARE YOU?"  What did you mean almost finished," I yelled startling it.

"DARGON!" I herd a tiny voice yell.

"TIKKI!" before I could get my answer.

While they hugged I heard a nagging voice that I knew all too well "Dargon is that you making all that noise wile I'm trying to sleep? Wait DARGON IT'S BEEN LIKE A MILLENNIUM!

"HEY!" I yelled and interrupted their reunion. "What did you mean by almost finished!" Before I could say anything I heard a door open and fast footsteps I looked over and saw my door was open and Marinette was GONE!

So I got my bag and put all the kwami's in there and started running to catch Marinette because I had an idea where she would go so I started to run toward the dupain-cheng bakery. So about a block later I saw two pigtails that I new well and ran inside and saw the hatch to her room close. I asked if I could go see her to her parents and they said yes. When I got up there I saw Marinette in her bed holding her knees to her chest and crying. So I transformed and went to her bed "Hi princess how are you feeling." I said I a gentle voice.

She looked up with puffy eyes from crying and scooted away "W-who are y-you?"

Marinette POV:

While this boy was talking with his fairy thing I was opening the door and starting to run to my parents bakery, and I was running fast while I was out the door. Then I was at my parents and into my bedroom and I started to cry and I don't know why (A/N Ha I'm a poet and I didn't even know it) I cried for about 10 minutes. I finally heard someone open my trapdoor and someone saying " Hey princess how are you feeling?"

I looked up to see a boy in a cat suit and I scooted away and asked "W-who are y-you" between sniffles.

"Why I'm your knight in shining amour, and chat noir at the same time." He said in a proud tone "How could you not know me!" in a sad and sarcastic tone and I smiled and chuckled a bit.

"Well I don't remember a lot of things right now." I said and the dam that I had built broke again and I started to cry again.

I stopped when I felt a pair of strong and muscular arms wrap around me and someone saying "Its okay princess Marinette" in a soothing tone, so soothing that I felt my eyelids get heavy.

Adrian POV:

When I heard Marinette say those words I had not ever wanted to hear "Well I don't remember much things right now." Then she put her head in her arms, and I saw little droplets of waterfall and I realized she was crying.  I reacted to quickly to think and I rapped my arms around her and said "Its okay princess Marinette... Its okay I'm here!" I said the last part really quietly.

I lied her down in her bed, and when I started walking away I felt a small tug on my belt tail. When I turned around I heard "Please... Don't go... Yet." In a sleepy tone and I didn't have the heart  to go, so I crawled into her cloud bed and wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on her head and fell into the darkness into a dream about Marinette.


A/N Well i give a shout out to my sister because without her you guys and girls would be reading a shitty fanfiction so ya thanks

also like and comment. But no bad comments or i might cry.

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