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I seen a man in a White hoodie and black pants "what the fuck do u want l will kill you fuckass" I yelled he just laughed at me then I seen his face it was white and a smile cut in to his cheeks from ear to ear his eyes I feared the most his cold...cold eyes I was so scared I was crying and I was mad from my emotions I forgot I had a knife I don't get scared easily "what are you looking at bitch"he said kicking the knife out of my head I looked up at him he ran and jumped on top of me he grad a knife and said "go to sleep" I yelled at him crying " go do it I hate my life I have no friends my dad is a drunk ass and hits me all the time and he tried to rap me so do it. It be better than this fucking place" at this point I was really ready to die "your not going to bag me to live" he said confused "no I hate my life you are doing me a Favour" i replied I finally decided to use my Brain I pushed him off me and grad my knife I looked at him one more time he was gone "what th-" I got cut off by him jump on me from a tree I turned fast to cut him he grad the knife and cut my cut from my ass Dad "fuck" I yelled I now I can't win at this fight so I booked it as fast as I could I got to me place and climbed the rope and cut it so he can't get up then I felt blood on my arm I grad my face light Lee and filt my blood shit I hope he didn't see my blood I said in my head I curled up in a corner and I can't hold it in anymore I just cried has hard as I could and I cried myself to sleep....

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