Black Sheep

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The air was dank and still as the two eldest turtles made their way through the sewers. It was so silent that Raphael could hear his heartbeat ringing in his ears. The two of them hadn't spoken a word since earlier. Finally a sigh broke the silence. Raph looked up and tentatively began to construct what he wanted to say. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done and eventually he just settled for a quiet: "I'm sorry."

Leonardo just stared at him as they came to a complete halt. "You're sorry?" the eldest parroted disbelievingly. "You're sorry? They could have killed you! You could have died! All you can say is 'sorry'?" Leo rubbed his temples in frustration. "Raphael, I know that you're willing to take more risks than the rest of us, but if you ever do something that stupid again I'll strangle you myself!"

Raph stared quietly, trying not to incite his older brother any further. After a brief moment he spoke quietly, "Thanks. I know, for saving my life back there."

"I'm your brother. I'd do the same for any of you. You know I would." Leonardo replied automatically.

"I know. That's why I'm thanking you." Raph stated as he took a seat against the wall of the tunnel. Leo joined him and they stared up through the grates above to a dark, star-speckled sky overhead.

"You really scared me Raph." Leo whispered, sounding very unlike his confident leader-like self.

Raph sputtered for a moment. Then he smiled. "No you weren't, Fearless."

Leonardo glared at his younger sibling. What would it take to get it through Raphael's thick skull? They cared about him. More than the numb-skull realized. He dealt the hothead a very intense stare. "I mean it, Raph. They could have shot you. You could have been..." His voice faltered.

Raphael spoke up, "I know, bro. But I wasn't. You were there for me."

"But what if next time..."

"Next time," Raph scoffed, "Next time is next time. No sense worrying 'bout it now." The silence returned briefly before Raph went on, "I already said what needs to be said. Let's leave it at that."

Leonardo nodded and stood. Raph held out a hand and Leo hoisted his younger brother up off the ground. As soon as Raph was standing, his older brother pulled the muscular turtle into a one-sided hug. Raph stiffened and pulled away. "Come on. We have to tell Sensei about what happened. And don't worry, I'll make sure he knows it was my fault."

"No, I'm eldest, I'm responsible."

"Just let me handle it this time, bro. I got this."

Leonardo realized there was no arguing with Raphael, if the look in his eyes was any indication. For a moment, it seemed to the eldest that his younger brother already had a theory as to what the Foot were up to. And Leo couldn't help but wonder what it was.


"But Sensei, I'm telling you Shredder can't be dead! If he's dead, why do the Foot need those kinds of mechanical parts? And who would they work for other than Shredder? Sensei, it has to be him!"

"Raphael, you are making assumptions on pure speculation. They are an overreaction created by your desire to protect your family. Such a response is overall understandable. I know you are angry, my son, but going on a crusade against the remaining Foot will accomplish nothing!"

"Did you even hear a word I just said?! Shredder's out there somewhere!"

"Raphael! I will not allow you to address me in that tone of voice!" Splinter yelled, his eyes narrowed with anger.

A Brother's IntuitionWhere stories live. Discover now