chapter 3 - Applebees and worried mothers

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Logan's  POV

     " So, where do you want to go eat?" I asked her. She wouldn't need my eyes, and she wouldn't answer me.

    " Aves please, talk to me!" I pleaded.

    " I guess we could go grab some Applebees..." she said quietly, then bit her lip. I laughed, and pulled up onto the highway.

a couple of minutes passed before we saw the giant Apple sign. I pulled off the freeway and turn into the parking lot.

     I went up the hostess stand, and smile at the woman standing there. She looked flustered, her face turning scarlet.

     " H... H.. How.. How many?" she stuttered. 

     "Just two, thank you" I replied. Avery just stood behind me, looking nervous. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it.

    The hostess seem to regain your composure and said

    "right this way "

    She let us to a table overlooking the park next door,the last minutes of daylight Peeking behind the hills.

    "The sunset is just so beautiful" Avery said dreamily.

    "Yeah it really is"

    She was my sunset, the only one I wanted.

     We ordered our appetizers, and we talked more. By the time I made this is going out, Avery was laughing at my story about one of my friends after a fight.

   " So, the guy broke Brandon's nose, and it wouldn't stop bleeding..." I was hysterical at this point.

   "well? what happened?" Avery was on the edge of her seat.

     " We took him to the bathroom, and we tried to clean him up, but there was nothing to stop the blood flow so..." I paused to breathe." We looked under the sink, and all we could find were a few tampons. So... We shoved them up his nose, and he had to go for the rest of the party with two tampons in his nose! Imagine someone saying How are you and having to look at that!!"

  By that point we were practically rolling on the floor. 

     We finished eating, and Avery and I had an argument about who is going to pay for dinner(I won, of course) and we made our way out to the car, Avery looking at her phone.

      "Crap!" she yelled.

      " What? "I was alarmed.

        "I missef a call from my mom!"

     I sighed in relief,it wasn't some murder or stalker or ,something like that. Avery pressed her mother's contact, and she picked up after the second ring.

   "Hey mom, sorry I missed your call" she told her mother.

Avery's POV

   " Avery Jillian Jones! Where have you been?! I thought you were lying in a ditch somewhere!" My mom screamed through the phone. I winced at her high pitch.

    " Its okay mom" I replied, looking at my nails.

     " Are you sure? Is someone following you?! She gasped." Do I need to call the police??!!"

       "no mom, I'm just hanging out with a friend." I rolled my eyes.

       She sighed "hmmmm is this a girl friend or a boy friend?"

  Logan pull the phone out of my hand.

    "Hi miss. Dawn this is Logan..." He paused

   "No, she's perfectly fine, I just wanted to hang out with her for a while" he paused again.

    "I'm sorry for not letting you know, we should have let you know ahead of time. Yes , I'll have her back within the hour. Okay, bye!" he hung up and pulled me towards the car.

                                                                       * flashback *

Eleven years ago....

     "Avery,look at me." my mother said, with tears in her eyes.

     "But mama, why do you have to go?" I cried.

     "Your daddy and I are going to be living in different houses, we're taking a timeout. I will come back to get you soon" she kissed my forehead and patted my hair down.  "Don't let anyone tell you that you're something you're not or make you do something you don't want to. You know why?" She asked.

    " Because I'm special?" I whimpered.

     "Because you're a fighter, so fight. Be a Scorpio, be a warrior."

      " Will you teach me how momma?"

                                       "That's something you have to learn yourself."

      She patted my head and got into the car. And just like that, she was out of my life.

                                      All of a sudden I was grabbed  from behind.

        "You little brat! you're the reason she left me!" 

     Then I felt a strong slap to the face. My father hit me. I was thrown to the ground, kicked, punched, slapped, and thrown into my room.

* End flashback*

I got out of the car and waves looking for the front step.

"See you in school!" he yelled, As he pulled out of my driveway.

                                  What the heck have I gotten myself into?

A/N; hey guys, hows it going? I'm just hanging at my house, but I decided to update, YAY! in case you haven't already seen my book trailer(I made it myself) im gonna post it on my page. also, whoever comments first gets a dedication.... anddd.... GO!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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