Chapter one : Introduction

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A young girl sits  cross legged towards the center of a small room. on the floor in front of her is a small cube that buzzes slightly as it gives  off light showing the girl her own reflection. She has shoulder length hair which she is trying to tie two small plaits from either side of her head, she curses as the remains of her fringe come forward to blur her vision, shining a pale lilac in the moonlight coming from the ship window.  she sighs before letting the rest of her hair fall down onto her shoulders.

" Theta!" she shouts through the open door hoping it will reach her brothers room which is next to hers. Theta would always help the girl with her hair when they were young as she was not that good at it herself, as time grew on the girl never bothered to learn how to do her hair properly as she had grown fond of her brother doing it for her, not that she would admit that to him.

There is a loud groan as the teen enters the room, already knowing why his sister had called him.

" Adhara I'm your brother not your maid" he grumbles, sitting down behind her starting to comb his hands through her hair.

" Thanks" Adhara smiles as her brother proceeds to tie the two braids. he secures them to the side of her head with a hairtie handed to him, letting the rest of the hair fall down her back. Adhara runs her hands through the loose hair bringing some of it to sit In front of her shoulders. Theta and Adhara are  both twins, Theta being just a few minutes older than his sister. His hair was the same lilac shade as Adharas but cropped short at the sides and long with slight spikes to it at the top.  He moves from around the back of her and sits beside her, crossing his legs. Adhara rests her head on her brothers shoulder sighing in content.

" I wonder what ambitious concoction Dariox is preparing for breakfast this morning" Theta chuckles to himself, Adhara sits up and mock glares at him before playfully slapping his knee

" Don't be rude!" she tries to act strictly but cant help the small grin that tugs at the corner of her lips " he tries his best.."  Theta sighs shaking his head a smile of his own sneaking its way onto his lips.

" I wouldn't say try is the best word" Dariox is a friend of the siblings, who also travelled with them. As much as Adhara liked to deny it, she knew he wasn't easily motivated and easily distracted but she tended to not comment on it as much as Theta did.  She slowly stands up, rubbing imaginary dust off her pants. Theta follows suit, towering about half a head above her.

" I'm going to see what Halley is up to " she walks to doorway, turning slightly to glance back at Theta. Said man rolls his eyes at the mention of Halley

" Addy, I'm certain I can tell you what Halley will be doing - either reading a book or having one of those long discussions on philosophy with Derek" Adhara ignores the nickname given to her and continues to exit the room, shrugging in doing so

" I wont know until I find out " she calls after her " why don't you go find dariox and get some breakfast" She leaves her brother and heads off down a grey walkway where there seems to be a  door at the end. Adhara hates how her room was far away from Halley's but it was just the way Derek was built. Derek was the ship itself. he was how they travelled to different places through time and space. They all had cellular devices which they could take out of the ship that allowed them to still communicate with Derek directly. The group didn't know why they called it derek or why they presumed he was male, it just sorta happened. Adhara reaches the door and opens it without hesitation. A young person sits on a spinny chair to the left of the room, they spin around quickly at the sound of the door opening.

" Hello!" They beamed, their curly hair bouncing in all directions.

"Greetings Adhara" a british voice sounds from a monitor behind Halley. Adhara steps into the room and walks over to the bed in the middle of the room

" hello Derek " she responds to the monitor and then turns to Halley a smile on her face, her eyes glinting with fondness  " Hi Halley".

" Derek and I were just reading this book on philosophy from the second ancient period, its very good you should.." Halleys excitement falls short as he notices Adhara trying to hide a laugh behind a smirk. " whats so funny?" They  whine a little at her amusement.  Adhara smiles at them, shaking her head a little.

" Nothing, its just when are you two never discussing philosophy ?" she points out. Derek and Halley had gotten along perfectly ever since the ship had been built. in fact if Halley wasn't hanging out with Adhara he would most likely be found having long conversations with the ship. halley glares playfully at Adhara before answering her question.

" When we're talking about you" They smirk before standing up, feeling proud of the blush they had summoned on Adharas face.  They grab their jacket and head to the breakfast room. Adhara follows close behind the whole way ,pestering to know what Halley had been saying about her only to be silenced with a quick kiss before entering the next room.

In the breakfast room Dariox was still cooking, for lack of a better word. Truth be told he had been distracted by a computer game that Theta had previously been playing before Dariox had stolen it away leaving the breakfast to cook by itself.

" Dariox unless you intend to serve everyone burnt eggs, I think you have done something wrong" Halley looks at the stove with a frown. poking at the contents in the pan with a spatula, a look of disgust on his face.

" Hey! I've slaved at that hob all morning, you should be grateful" Dariox knew that statement was a slight exaggeration but he couldn't find the effort to care as he sat on one of the dining chairs not taking his eyes off the computer screen.

" I'm eternally grateful that I am not able to digest it " Derek comments his voice echoing through the room. Theta laughs as he looks over Dariox's shoulder at the computer screen in front of him.

" There is no point whatsoever playing Geon in that arc, Fercies will just sense you and hunt you down" Dariox rolls his eyes at Thetas advice before smirking

" I have it all planned out, I found a cheat that will get me through this arc easily" He quickly glances at Theta. who has now pulled up a chair next to him, curious as to how Dariox found a cheat to get past the problem he had stayed up for hours trying to solve himself a few nights before. " I cracked it last night" he continues, the pride evident in his voice. a british laugh cuts the young cyclops off

" Did you say last night Dariox?" Derek chuckles, his laugh sounding almost villainous. " sorry chap, I deleted that, it was taking up memory."

" you did what?!!" Dariox almost screams, making Theta cringe at the sudden raise in volume. Dariox glares at the computer as the games signature theme song plays signalling that Fercies had indeed hunted down Geon just as Theta had predicted. Theta trys not to laugh and opts to send the cyclops a look of sympathy. 

The game music dies down as another tune starts to play.  Adhara perks up from where she was sat on the kitchen counter and jumps down coming to Halleys side. They both walk over to the computer, it seemed someone was trying to contact the group. Derek transports the call onto Thetas laptop and on the screen an image of a part robot, part man comes into view. The background is dark but a few groups of huddled people can be made out by the team.

The man looks around frantically as if looking out for someone, before turning back to the camera. With fear in his eyes ,his words coming out in a hushed shaky whisper.

" Help us."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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