Chapter fourteen

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(Louis's POV)

Brownie meows softly inside of her cage, which is tucked protectively under my arm, as I step into my new flat. I sigh and take in my new surroundings, biting my lip at the foreign environment. I close my door behind me and set the cat carrier down on the floor before flipping the latch and gently opening the small metal door. Brownie scrambles out of the plastic containment unit, skidding her paws across the wooden surface. She ventures into all the rooms and explores them, whiskers flicking to and fro.

I chuckle and nudge the now empty cage to the side, tucking it against the nearest wall carelessly. I find myself placing my hands on my hips as I look around, swiveling my head to glance at all corners of my new home. Everything seems so empty and unnatural, not like what I'm used to, but that's what London is like in general, actually.

The people and the city are really intimidating, not to mention big. I've been here for less than one bloody day and I've already been shoved down the street, pushed, and flipped off dozens of times. Guess it's going to take some time to get used to it all.

My new home isn't very comforting, either. The air feels so damn cold and it all appears to be so barren and uninhabited. The movers already brought in the furniture but I still have to unpack all my knickknacks and small personal items. There are countless boxes scattered randomly everywhere, speckling the floor with cardboard and bubble wrap.

It's much smaller than my old apartment, too, and a bit more run down. I only chose this one because it's within walking distance of the performance hall, where I'll be working for my internship. Also, this home is just temporary, so the condition doesn't matter that much to me anyway.

I feel a soft buzz against my thigh. I swiftly grab my mobile from my pocket and focus my eyes on the luminescent screen. It's a message from Natalie, my boss.

Please come to the theatre as soon as you're settled in. I want to show you around and introduce you to the job. -Nat

I swallow hard as I push my phone back into my trouser's pocket. I suppose I should start unpacking then. I kneel down in front of large stack of boxes in the living room. I grab the biggest box and peel back the silver ductape at the top, then bend the flaps of the box up, revealing its contents. It's all just candles and picture frames and decor.

I place one vanilla scented candle on the coffee table, positioning it just right. I like these candles in particular because I sort of have a weakness for vanilla scents. I just think it smells so warm and comforting-- I can't get enough of it, and Harry knows that. Which is why it wasn't surprising to him that I bought him vanilla scented body wash one day on a whim. Harry had said that he'd never use it because it was too girly and cute, but I gave him a pout and he immediately agreed.

I smile at the memory, lips rising up and quivering when I remember that I no longer can see the love of my life every day.

I push the negative thoughts aside. I can't think about missing Harry. I have to focus on unpacking and then going to the theatre to meet Natalie afterwards. Although, it's going to be difficult, especially because quite literally everything reminds me of him.

When I see the green curtains on my windows, I think of his eyes. When I see my bed, I think of cuddling him. When I see Brownie, I think of him, and how she's technically our cat, and that we share her.

Basically everything reminds me of Harry, and it's really, really difficult.

* * *

After two grueling hours of unpacking, I text Natalie and tell her that I'm on my way to the performance hall. It's located three blocks away, according to google maps, but I haven't seen it in person yet; however, according to the pictures, it's ginormous.

I slip on my shoes and tell Brownie a quick goodbye, in which she meows in response. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose and check myself in the mirror one last time, making sure that I look some what presentable to meet my boss for the first time. I then lock my door behind me and skip down the steps out to the busy and hectic streets. I somehow manage to slide into the mob of people and move along with the crowd to the direction of the theatre.

Suddenly, I'm being shoved, nudged a few times as a selective few turn down another jointing street, and I look up to see the theatre, much to my surprise. The walk didn't seem that long. I make a mental note to never trust google to be one hundred percent accurate.

The theatre is huge-- seems even bigger than in the pictures-- and is covered in red bricks and twinkly lights. It's beautiful and more magnificent that I could have ever imagined. My stomach abruptly starts to twist in knots as I walk into the revolving door and am spat out inside. I step in further, looking in awe at the architecture. There's not a show going on at the moment so it's mostly empty, apart from a few technical people fixing a few lights overhead and a janitor or two.

The rows of red velvet seats seem to never stop ending, and the ceiling appears to rise to infinity, expanding past the stars. Pillars are stacked against the walls which give a rustic vibe. The stage is ginormous and stretches across the length of the building and just-- wow, this sure as hell beats a school auditorium.

"Louis," a feminine voice echoes. I look up to see a middle-aged woman approaching me from the distance. She paces down the tiled floor, her heels clicking against the shiny hard surface.

"I'm Natalie, it's nice to finally meet in person," she says, and I shake her hand.

"Likewise," I smile.

"How are you liking London?" she asks politely.

"To be honest? It's a bit scary but I'll get used to it," I chuckle.

"That's good to hear," she pauses, "I'm really glad you decided to take this internship, Louis. I think you'll be a great contribution to our team."

"Thank you for the opportunity. I really appreciate it. I still can't believe it's happening . . . but, just out of curiosity, why'd you chose me, of all people?" I say, my voice draining of confidence.

She ponders that for a moment, eyes darting down to her feet, before she looks up and grins. "I selected you because of your story, Louis. You put all of your heart and soul into your directing and singing, as seen in your school show of Romeo and Juliet, and you have so much courage. The story of how you and your boyfriend came out on stage in front of all those people is just . . . amazing. Your talent is also a bonus."

I laugh softly and the memory of Harry and I coming out on stage comes rushing back to my head. I bite my lip as I fight back a tear, because, damn, I already miss him so, so much.

"Thank you," I breathe out finally.

"You're more than welcome. Now, why don't I show you the rest of the theatre, yeah?"

I nod and she gestures for me to follow her. We go backstage, slipping past a small doorway to the right of the stage. So, this is where all the magic happens? There's switches and controls everywhere that control the whole place. Dozens of professional looking props fill the room, which make our drama club's amateur painted cardboard strictures look like total shit. She opens up a large door that says costume and I walk in behind her.

"This is the costume room," she sighs. I walk in behind her and feel my jaw drop. It's ginormous-- there's countless coloured fabrics and sewing supplies and finished products propped up on mannequins. There's also a large mirror in the back of the room with stools and makeup.

"Our actors spend most of their pre-show time here," Natalie explains.

I nod.

"Now, I suppose I'll show you my office, where you'll be working most of the time."

I nod again.

"If you don't mind me asking . . . what will I be doing exactly?" I question.

"You'll sort of be like my assistant, I guess. You are going to help me make final cuts and decisions and also rally up the actors."

"Wow that's, uh, a lot of responsibility," I huff.

"Yes, but I believe in you, Louis," she pauses. "I'll show you the rest of the theatre."

My eyes widen, "There's more?"

She laughs and nudges me in her direction, "Yes, Louis. There's plenty more."

* * *

Turns out plenty more is three hours worth of touring. When I finally get back to my new flat, I toe off my shoes at the door and let out a long awaited exasperated sigh. I immediately stumble over to the couch and collapse on my face, head first into the arm rest. I feel so fucking tired and I just want to sleep--

But obviously, the world wants me to suffer, because my phone rings. I grumble and snatch it out of my pocket. It's an incoming call from Harry. I smile and sit up properly. I slide my thumb over to answer.

"Ello love!" I answer.

"Hello darling," Harry replies with a soft giggle. "How was your first day of work?"

"Really good," I pause. "Well, I didn't really work, per se. Natalie just showed me what to do and gave me a tour of the theatre."

"Ah, so, you haven't meet any cast members yet?" he says with a hint of concern evident in his voice.

"No, not yet. I probably will see them tomorrow, though."

"Try not to flaunt that perfect arse of yours around the cast, okay? I don't want anyone laying a finger on you," he tells me, growling out the last few words.

I chuckle, "You don't have to worry-- pretty sure most of the cast will be girls anyway."

"Still," he says quickly. "Just . . . promise me you won't do anything with them, alright?" He suddenly sounds really insecure and it breaks my heart.

"Harry," I breathe. "We've already discussed this. You have to trust me, I won't do anything."

"It's not that I don't trust you," he says quickly. "I just don't trust them."

"Don't worry, Harry. Really. Don't. Worry."

Harry sighs and mutters a soft okay and then goes quiet for a while. I hear a bit of rustling and I'm pretty sure he sat down somewhere.

"It's really nice to hear your voice," he states after a while, changing the subject. His voice crackles and I hear him breathing into the phone, making my own heart race.

I smile, "It's nice to hear you, too."

Suddenly, he yawns really loudly, and I imagine him flexing his arms like he always does when he yawns. It's so fucking hot and I really wish I was with him to see it.


"Exhausted," Harry sighs.

"Go to sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning," I try.

"No," he answers quickly. "My bed is empty. It's not the same." The sadness in his voice breaks my heart.

"I'm sending you a virtual cuddle," I giggle.

"I'll accept that virtual cuddle," he tells me, and we both laugh for a while.

"We're so wierd."

"One of the many reasons that we're a perfect couple, Lou."

"We are pretty damn perfect," I laugh. "Now get some rest. I need to sleep as well," I say, stealing a glance at the clock, which reads 11:52 pm.

"Okay, yeah, good idea. You should sleep; you have work tomorrow," he notes.

"Yeah. Goodnight, Harry."

"Night," I hear him say. His voice suddenly really quiet, like a whisper. I listen to his raspy, tired voice and wish that I was with him so I could hug him and kiss him and love him.

"I love you so much," he mutters again, and I can tell that he's drifting asleep.

I smile softly and let out a small laugh, "I love you more."

"I'm going to hang up now so we don't have one of those cliche, you hang up no you hang up, moments."

I giggle, "Bye Harry."

And then there's a click, and his voice is gone. I gulp and set my phone down. I rub my hands down the length of my face and stand up from the couch and walk into my empty bedroom. There's only a bed and a night stand, other than that, it's empty. There are boxes piled up against the walls that need to be unpacked soon.

I snatch up one box in particular and card through its contents until I find a warm comforter. I pull it out and nestle into my bed, curling under the covers and warmth. I clutch onto a pillow, holding it close to my chest, and I wish that it was Harry instead.

[ I SAW THIS IS US LAST NIGHT AND HOT DAMN. BEST. MOVIE. EVER. I'm still recovering. I cried so much. Please tell me in the comments what you thought if you've seen it too! (also, all of us in the theatre sang happy birthday for Liam before the film started. It was really cute.) xx ]

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