Fighting with Ed for the First Time

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My name is Bailee, yes I am a well known model. I am from Framlingham, Suffolk! If you haven't guessed already, yes Ed Sheeran is my brother. He means so much to me, but sadly he is overprotective and sometimes mean because he's older. He drives me crazy sometimes, but mum would be happy we get along. Anyways, I have a video shoot today and it always drives Ed crazy. I am so pumped up today, but nobody knows my last name! I have never told anyone, because Ed doesn't like me modeling.

"Ed are you ready to go with me?" I asked throwing on my heels.

"Yeah sure whatever! You know how I feel about you modeling and being a object to guys!" he said.

"Yeah yeah Ed! I know I need to act like a lady not a stuck up rich model! Your a singer/songwriter you know how it is! Girls are drooling when you walk by! Calm down!" I said annoyed. 

"Fine, let's go already!" Ed said to me.

We went to the shoot and it was fun, Ed saw I was having fun and smiled a little. He loosened up a bit and stared at a girl who was in the room with us! Her name was Bridgett! She was a pretty blonde, but she was rude and I didn't like her.

"ED! Pay attention, stop drooling over her! I hate her more than anyone! How could you?" I said running off.

I ran to the coffee shop down the streets of London! Oh I forgot, Ed and I moved to London in 2008. I hate living here with Ed sometimes. He likes girls who treat me like crap and I hate it. 

"What can I get for you Miss?" asked the waiter.

"Could I have a mocha frappichino please?" I asked.

"Yes of course! Wait aren't you a model?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm Bailee!" I said.

"Nice to meet you love, I'm Aaron!" he said.

"Cool, nice to meet you too!" I said smiling.

Little did I know, Ed was following me! He wasn't going to be happy I was talking to Aaron!  Oh great, here he comes!

"Hey leave her alone! Get away from my sister!" Ed said mad.

"Ed Sheeran, no way! She's your sister?" Aaron said out loud.

"Yeah, she is..stay away from her!" Ed told him.

I am tired of Ed meddaling in my life. He doesn't understand how I feel. I ran out of the coffee shop with my frappichino in hand. I ran until I couldn't anymore. I sat on a bench and cried. I think it's time to move out of Ed's flat into my own. Great, here come the paps just my day.

"Bailee, is Ed your boyfriend?"

"Why is Ed so protective of you?"

"Leave me alone, get away from me!" I said walking to my flat barefoot.

I got there, when there were 5 boys inside. Who were they? I am scared now!

"Who are you?" the one with the curly haired boy asked winking.

"None of your business that's who!" I said walking upstairs, but he blocked me.

"Where's Ed?" he asked. He knows my brother? I have met almost everyone of Ed's friend.

"I don't know!" I said trying to move him.

"Oh wait, your Bailee that model right?" he asked.

"Yeah and you are?" I asked the boy.

"I'm Harry, Harry Styles!" he said.

"Well Harry, get out of my way! I need to get ready for my party!" I said as Ed came inside.

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