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Rose slashed a screeching, snarling Dex across the back with one of her tail spikes, causing him to fall asleep almost instantly. The feathery fox had fallen asleep in class, so Nano pulled a prank that involved sticking his hand in a cup of warm water to make him pee himself. As expected, he flipped out, screaming and cursing. Rose got up and knocked him out before he could start firing mouth lasers at things. The thing about Rose's spikes was that they couldn't kill. The venom from the spikes entered the body in such a way that the wound was instantly covered up with a purple scab. Rose wrapped her tails around the huge man-baby and dragged him out into the hallway.

Rose got out a note and wrote a message. 

Come back when you're not gonna shoot laser beams out of your face over stupid crap, ya big baby. It's just a prank.

She taped it to Dex's forehead and walked away. Despite everything, the explorers were all teenagers, and teenagers went to school. High school to be exact. Most of them were usually sleepy in class because of the fact that Nano often gave missions at three in the morning. Dex, despite his physical strength, had the intelligence of an angry bull. He was garbage at all his classes, and everyone was scared of him. However, had a heart of gold under his hatred for everything, and the red lights of his eyes burned even more intensely when he saw someone being bullied. The problem with his heroism was that he was often in trouble with parents for traumatizing their children. The parents of the bullies thought their children were perfect little angels, refusing to accept the truth.

Ted, however, was a completely different story. The things he wrote on paper only made sense to him. That had everything to do with the way he wrote by dipping his claw in ink and then drawing strange, code-like symbols that nobody understood except himself. Despite the fact that he focused all his willpower on not falling asleep during lessons, Ted always aced his tests, even if he had to guide most of the teachers through them so that he could actually get some sort of grade. He was a massive teacher's pet, and he got along more with the teachers than his peers. The only people his age he made friends with were the team. Ted never had to fear bullies, because when the first person started in, his fur shined with a light so intense that nobody ever messed with him again for fear of blindness.

Nano was just average. The glowing crystal on the end of his feathered tail was good for seeing when there was no other light source around, but other than that, he had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. His grades were the bare minimum for the school to let him keep leading the exploration team, and he didn't want anything to do with school when the day was over. He didn't bother with after-school activities. All he cared about was adventuring, and it was one of his biggest problems.

Rose was that one weird person nobody knew how to talk to. Her grades for reading were absolutely insane, and like Ted, she got along better with teachers than with her peers. Rose mostly spent her free time writing stories on the Internet and messing around in weird chat rooms. Every time anything happened that involved independent time on a laptop, she did some of her work and then wrote some more of whatever story she was in the mood for. Rose put the stories online, but nobody ever read them.

The four of them all had the same classes, so they talked a lot. Back to the present, Rose was about to get chewed out by the teacher before explaining that Dex would probably have destroyed the building if she hadn't interfered. The teacher then gave Nano a referral, upon which he burst into tears and flipped out. Things like this were a common occurrence, because everything Nano did ended in him being sent to the office. Rose told him to get his crap together. "Oh, grow up!" This only made him cry harder. "Jeez..."

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