Part 2

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''bzz'' ''bzz'' my phone was ringing. I picked up my phone off of my nightstand, it was Ethan. -Ethan: are you ready?  -Me: for what?  -Ethan: you forgot? we have to get Nate birthdaY gift!  -Me: ooh,yeah that's right. I remember now.  -Ethan: Gray is going with us is that okay?  -Me: yeah,that's fine. 

We went to the mall and bought a gift. After that Ethan and Gray drove me home and after that they went home. When I got home I checked the kitchen because Nate is always there eating.. you know what I mean. I went to the bedroom to see if he's there. I slowly opened the door so I wouldn't wake him up but he wasn't sleeping..  -Me: Hey baby, Happy Birthd--- NATE WHAT THE FUCK?!??!  -Nate: OH FUCK!! 

I caught him in bed with some blonde whore that looked like plastic Barbie.  -Me: Nnnatee?? Hhhooww ccouldd yyouu do tthiis to me???  -Nate: WHY DID YOU GET HOME SO EARLY??!  -Me: I wanted to surprise you but you're obviously busy!?  -Nate: WELL I AM! FUCK YOU! GO AWAY BITCH!!  -Me: WHAT?? :'(  -Nate: GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!  -Me: nooo!! Nate!! you can't do this to me! please!! I don't know anyone here where sohould I go??!?  -Nate: I don't fucking care. Didn't you hear me?? GET THE FUCK OUT!!!  -Me: okay fine. goodbye and don't you dare talk to me again!  -Nate: WHO ARE YOU TALKING LIKE THAT??! I'M GOING TO HIT YOU BITCH! - he said and raised his hand like he was going to hit me but thanks God he didn't.

I remembered I met Ethan and Grayson the other day so I scrolled threw my phone to find their number. I couldn't find Grayson's but luckily I found Ethan's. I quickly called him and asked him if I can come over to his place.  -Ethan: hey Anna! what's up?  -Me: Hey,Ethan can I come over please its an emergency, please!  -Ethan: yes,yes,sure!  -Me: okay,I'll be there in 5,bye.  -Ethan: see ya,bye!

'knock' 'knock' 'knock' - you knocked on his door and cried all this time since you saw Nate cheating on you. Ethan opened the door and he looked at you weird.  -Ethan: omg Anna are you okay?!?  -Me: noo.  -Ethan: omg come here.-he said and hugged me so tight. That hug was one of the best huggs in the whole entire world. I needed that so much!  -Ethan: come on let's go inside.  -Me: okkkaayy.-I said sobbing in tears.  -Ethan: so what's wrong? What happened?  -Me: Nnnaate cchheateedd on mmme.  -Ethan: omg no way!! He wouldn't do that! He loves you Anna!!  -Me: if he does would I be here crying because I have nowhere alse to go?  -Ethan: omg he kicked you out too? I need to talk to him!!  -Me: yes he did. When you and Gray droppe me off from the mall I went upstairs to give him my present and I caught him cheating on me with some blonde chick. Then he kicked me out and I don't know anyone besides you and Grayson so I called you. I mean if I'm bothering you I can leave it's not a problem.  -Ethan: NO! you will stay here and I'm going to his place to talk to him!!  -Me: noo, please don't! Leave him alone! I don't care anymore. I broke up with him and it's over! Please don't go there! Don't leave me!!  -Ethan: okay then, I won't go if you don't want me to... So I was thinking that you should stay here with me and Grayson.  -Me: noo Ethan. I can't do that. you guys have your own life and buissness. I can't bother you.  -Ethan: It's fine Anna. You won't bother us.  -Me: and what will Grayson say about that?  -Ethan: I'll explain him and he will understand. I promise.  -ME: okay then if you say so. :)

- Me: uum  Ethan.. where am I going to sleep?  -Ethan: there is an extra bed in my room so you can sleep there.  -Me: okay sure. hey E! - I said and he turned to me.  Thanks for everything.  -Ethan: no problem.^ - he said and hugged me.  I went to sleep because I was tired and exhausted from today's day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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