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My body has told my story
From my hair to my skin
From my eyes to my ears
I am art
I didn't realize it at first
When your skin screams for satisfaction
And your eyes don't have color
You don't see things like others do
But the scars on my body
Construct a story
Until I read it
My skin was satisfied
My eyes were colorful
I became art
My scars will tell you I was destructive
My scars will tell you I don't love myself
My scars will tell you that I tried
But I'm still alive and breathing
And I'll make my scars into masterpieces
Flowers will sprout from my skin
And animals will frolic
My skin will express everything that I am and am not
My hair will express, my eyes will express
I'll become a masterpiece
I'll use the blood and tears that poured as my paint
The words that you said as inspiration
After all, they planted the seeds of those scars
My body is my canvas
And no more will I tear into
No more will I rip it to shreds
I am a masterpiece
And you can try and destroy me
Corrupt me
But I will live on
My story, my art
I am a masterpiece

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