my dream laat night 8/29/2013

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I was in a school never seen the school before I was waiting for get my schedule, but their was big line, & then I went to another room to wait for the big line go away. ThThen my ex came ? Trying to play a some cards but I was naahhh but then I went back to the room to get my schedule. & I went in no one was their then I saw 2 Vampires(one guy and a girl) .__. I liked one in paticuler ♡ they take with them. The girl dies after a while she got disses on her lips. Me and guy fall in love after a while :) we hang out and I completly fell in love then something happens I have go back to real world ans he had to stay . He toolk to store then he said to me "I'm go there one day just for you, are you going wait for me ? Promise me." I did promise. Then the girl vampire (I thought she was dead) told me that he was lying but only I want to do was go home to I go to this portal and it takes to this place that like Cinderella so Animated & their a house amd thier was a girl that knew how to take. Back home & she drew on a paper then plaace it facing on a pillow but only she can do it. but instead it took me to amother world thay there was big monster trying to eat us and there some people blowing bubbles. then I woke up

my dream laat night 8/29/2013Where stories live. Discover now