Tagged: About me

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So, OliviaSnowPlays tagged me and i have never really done this so, lets see how it turns out.

Yeah, i know, rules are horrible but these are the rules:
Finish it by sometime next week, it doesn't matter what exact day but sometime next week.
No getting out of it (srry).
Make the tag in your book.
Tag 15 other wattpad users.
Post 13 facts about yourself.

Here we go;
1. I live in Indiana
2. I have been diagnosed that I have General Anxiety and Depression (can't remember which kind though).
3. I like creepypasta and fnaf but I overall love Anime (you can probably tell by my username)
4. I am 14
5. My full name is Taylor Alexandra Miller but I prefer Tay Tay (just cus)
6. I play the flute and a little guitar
7. I like a lot of youtubers (i would list all of them but that may take a while)
8. All of my friends are in some way youtubers (not popular ones though)
9. I love books
10. I love all animals (even the wierd looking ones)
11. I am a video gamer girl
12. All of my friends are my role models
13. I am single even though i have had quite a few guys ask me out

Wattpad users;
1. 500_Picarats
2. Valentin_the_Fox
3. SonicatheVamphog
4. link1099
5. ariaj_
6. iwin1099
7. Phoenixlovesalot
8. bonniethebluerabbit
9. MysteriousDoll83
10. izzywriter
11. farockaway
12. RyanDiemJr
13. Mangle_ToyFoxy
14. madisonbeeker
15. Ezily_The_Mystery

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