Chapter 2

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"come on lets get some pizza on the way home" said one of the guys. He looked at my brother for approval.

" Why the hell not- i sure as hell am hungry". 

As we walked down the street, we saw a couple making out. The guys looked each other and gave these looks that were sure to mean trouble. " Jacey come on" i tugged at his leather jacket.

" Go on , Ambs, I'll be right there" he said to me. Then he and the guys went towards the couple. Jason, one of my brothers friends, pulled the guy away from the girl. I sighed, they did this all the time, just banged a random girl of the street. But its not like they complained either, in fact they begged for more. All the girls fell for my brothers golden boy looks and bad ass attitude. At our school he was the biggest player. My brother was tall about "6,2" with blond hair and blue eyes and a natural tan. I on the other hand, was a shade of brown- to dark to be considered tan- and black eyes with black hair that had a tint of red in the sun. I inherited my looks from my mom who was from India. She was gorgeous though unlike me, she was tanned with light brown eyes. I walked inside Pizza Pizza , took a seat at a random table and opened up my book. I was a total nerd, and wanted to be a phycologst. We were rich and lived in a mansion with Jace. My parents had decided to travel the world since Jace and dad never got along. Oh, another thing that you should know about me and my family, we are shapeshifters. We can shift into animal we want and also have one ability - kinda like a superpower. Soon afterwards, the rest of the gang and girls walked in. I looked around the room and saw a guy from our school. He was kinda cute and a nerd. I smiled at him, and caught my brother looking at me with anger all over his face..

sorry guys this isnt really good, i uploaded late and was really tired sorrry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2011 ⏰

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