My Martial Art Boy|Chp.2

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Hours have passed,Ayano going through her evil schemes,Budo training her not knowing what's going on.It was all going as planned,Shin always kept an eye on her during the whole lesson

"Since your here,why don't you ship me with you..Or even better show me what your made of.I challenge you to a duel Ayano Aishi."

"That's challenge was so stupid..."Ayano mumbles to herself going through her locker after the training.

"And ship?Budo-kun is completely out of his mind if he thinks he's going with me.."Ayano says giggling at the last part.She checks the mirror on her locker before seeing a reflection of Budo behind her.She widen her eyes before shutting her locker,he seemed to have that usual expression on his face

"What were you saying?"Budo says while raising an eyebrow at her.She was about to pull her weapon out before seeing Taro go through his locker which was next to hers.She looks down,Budo seem to notice her sudden action before tapping Taro shoulder

Taro turns around,after opening his locker,Ayano just looked at him

"Take care of her would ya."Budo says,walking away,Taro seemed confused looking at Ayano.She slowly walks away until she was far away enough that she was able to run.Ayano saw Budo getting out the school,she runs up to him forcefully turning him around

"You did not just talked to Taro-Senpai!!"She says with a slight warning tone,Budo shrugs at this.

"He's my friend after all.."

"Budo are dead to me!"She says pointing at him,before he shrugs

"I like to see you try.You can't even get pass the duel against me..."Budo explains before walking off leaving Ayano to only glare at him seeming it was true.She huffs out before walking towards her own home.


Tuesday came by,Ayano coming first to school usually.She fixes the band that was tied around her forehead to symbolize that she was part of the Martial Art Club.Ayano would of quit but she hasn't gotten her physical strength high enough.Ayano sees the student enter the school building,looking up from their phone to putting them away.Seeing her rivals talking to their best friend to seeing boys fooling around.

Ayano hated them all,except for Taro of course.

"Hey,can you follow me for a second?"Ayano ask Kokona with a smile on her face.Kokona gave her a concerned look

"Hey aren't you that girl who used to be in the Cooking Club?"Kokona ask,Ayano sweatdrops before shaking her head

"You must be mistaken,I'm part of the Martial Art Club.I didn't even know we had a Cooking Club in our school."Ayano lies,before Kokona nods

"Oh that makes perfect sense...I guess"Kokona says,Ayano starts to walk off making Kokona to follow her.

Budo opens the door the the Martial Arts Club only to see the girls to pass the hallway he was in.

"So where are you taking me?"Kokona ask,Ayano ignores her and continues to walk

"Where is she taking her?"

My Martial Arts Boy. [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now